photo manipulation fun

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While we're at it, got some Nicky/Greggo too. Hope you like :)
WOW- I love that! It's really good. I have a lot of Nick & Greg manips but most are rated beyond PG-13
Thanks for the comments.
Wojo, mind PMing me those or do you have a place where they're up?
Uriel, I do have photobucket, just click on my banner for that.
Now that was disturbing! How am I supposed to sleep after that?? Shame on you! (And welcome to the world of photomanip)
Don't mean to drive you away, it's always good to have people come up with new things, but PLEASE post something nicer the next time ;)
OMG, billy :lol:

I made a manip too, but it wasn't csi-related. It was my first manip ever, and I'll make a CSI-one soon.
Whoops...heh heh, I didn't mean to creep you out, sorry. I have to admit Gil did look like a gremlin. It's just that when I open up photoshop and get some good pics, I can't restrain myself.:devil: And doesn't Gil look at least a little bit sexy with those sideswept bangs? Just kidding. I'll try to make something a little more "natural" next time. :D
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