Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

This is something I created to go along with a Nick & Greg fic I wrote (Nick buys Greg a puppy). It's awaiting beta so it hasn't been posted yet but I thought I'd share this pic anyway:

You guys are all absolutely amazing!

Hey, is anyone up for a challenge? How about a CaRWash proposal? Or maybe a CaRWash wedding? I'd do one myself, but I really stink at this whole art thing..;) Major props if anyone actually creates one!
Hey guys thanks you're all great! :D :D :D

That arm around her was a pain in the butt, until I did the simplest thing and used the mirror function. I have Corel so I just copied his other hand that was hanging low and mirrored it, which flipped it and then I just tucked it and turned it until it looked real. ;)

Thanks for the compliments, I have many more on my Horatio and Calleigh website. You can click on the link in my profile, I also have CSI:Miami sound bytes there if anyone is interested. :devil:

Nothing like hearing Horatio and Calleigh's voice greet you hello on your PC and say goodnight too. :lol:

Here's a few more, :D

And another, :devil:
And yet another, my favorite so far that I made. :lol:

I love that look in his eyes! :devil: :devil: Hers too! :devil: :devil:

edited by mod for dial up users
Hcrazy, that third one is amazing! I think I'll snag it - not sure what I'll do with it yet, but I want it. :lol: Great job!
Hey thanks :D

I appreciate the compliments. :D :D

I try and try again. ;)

I have many more at my HCrazy web site. :lol: