Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

:lol: thanks Sara and Meg :D

I have to say I'm pretty pleased with the "Super-Greg" one, but the Wolferine was hard! Needed to squeeze and stretch and blur... :p
Hey Thanks Mjszud, Emerald and Cinegirl! Thanks everyone. :D

I had a blast making them too and it makes me smile when I see others enjoying them. Manips really are way to much fun! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Awesome manips Cinegirl... Wolvererine... :eek: :eek: :eek: And superman too. :p Great job, looks like the real deal to me! :D :D :D

Great work everyone. :lol:

HCrazy :cool:
Thanks for all your comments! Glad you like it!

cinegirl said:

The manip is still in the line and we won't remove it, no worries, but it's already stretching the rule a bit
Sorry, I didn't know that.
Thanks CalleighCaine,

You know me and I have more a coming. ;)

Thanks for the comps everyone, they are greatly appreciated! :D :D :D

HCrazy :cool:
Allright, here goes nothing. As repayment for HCrazy giving me a sneak peak of her manips *which are A-MA-ZING*, I promised I'd show off mine. Well, here goes:

Nothing as glamourous as hers. :lol:

Wow HCrazy and SpeedsDaughter! Those are amazing! Any way I can entice you over to the CaRWash side for a few days? ;) :lol: Great work!
Hey Speedsdaughter those are awesome... I love the one with H holding the open box. Hmm, you have given me another idea! Proposing! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hahahaha

We are all Soooo Crazy! :rolleyes: :p :p :p Life would be boring without Manips! :lol:

Speedsdaughter, I just wanted to tell you that these are great and I think you did a hell of a job! You should be proud!!! :D :D :D

Thank you all for the very nice comments. Carwash cutie you have me laughing. :lol: I made the sound byte for you, right???

HCrazy :cool:

Okay what the heck. Here is one I made of Horatio in a Tux and then I added our Calleigh! I love this one... someone turn on the AC. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :devil:
Hey Speedsdaughter and HCrazy - Awesome manips! :cool:

Wish i could do the same, but don't have the software to do it :(

Keep up the great work
Hey Thanks Wolfca. :D I will E-mail you about the software.

Hey Queen... That is hysterical! :lol: Very nice job I was in shock looking at it. :eek: Too funny but great manip! :lol: :lol: :lol:

HCrazy :cool:
queen said:

cinegirl said:

The manip is still in the line and we won't remove it, no worries, but it's already stretching the rule a bit
Sorry, I didn't know that.

No worries, that's why we are here :) And it's often a matter of opinion and a close decision about what's still in the rules and what's not. Please keep your great work coming, and also sexy is OK - just not too sexy :D

And thanks Mia! :)

OK, here's another movie poster - for all my fellow CaRWashers out there :D
