Patricia Cornwell

I have one more question. Are they detailed? Like would you be able to picture it all in your head? Because I really like books where I can picture it in my head....

But my mom said she will take me to the library today and I am so excited. I really want to read these books!
wolfesanders , to answer your question about her books being detailed, yes they are. What I like about them, so far, is that she does explain a lot of the pathology involved with her cases, which because I am working on my masters in Forensic Science, what she is talking about is not only accurate, but it helps me remember certain things for school! :lol:
on every one of her books I have read, I have a clear picture in my mind of what is going on (how I see it) and what may or may not happen next. But definately start with Postmortem, and go from there.

So far my favorite one of her Scarpetta books is Body of Evidence. Now I am reading Cruel and Unusual and so far it's pretty good.
I've read all of her books except for the last couple. I actually read some of them as a requirement for my Forensic Chemistry course (we were required to read mystery novels, and my professor suggested her books), and decided to read them all. I loved the earlier ones, except I did not know to read them in order, and was lost on some points. I haven't read the later ones because I mainly can never find a good time to do so. When I start reading a mystery I have to have a long expanse of time, because I can't put it down once I start until its over!
WolfeSanders said:
I have one more question. Are they detailed? Like would you be able to picture it all in your head? Because I really like books where I can picture it in my head....

But my mom said she will take me to the library today and I am so excited. I really want to read these books!
Oh my GOD, yes they are. Patricia Cornwell has such a way with words - her descriptions are so unique yet so perfect. I can see everything perfectly in my head.
Okay. I just got Postmortem from the library and I have had it for under 40 minutes and I am already on page 67. This is such a good book! Oh my goodness! At my public library, they have all of the books except Body of Evidence and now I am worried. Because since that is the 2nd one, I don't know. But these books are addicting.
WolfeSanders said:
Okay. I just got Postmortem from the library and I have had it for under 40 minutes and I am already on page 67. This is such a good book! Oh my goodness! At my public library, they have all of the books except Body of Evidence and now I am worried. Because since that is the 2nd one, I don't know. But these books are addicting.

wolfesanders , some suggestions for looking for the next book. You could either go to another branch of your local library (I would probably call first to see if they have it if someone is driving you so they don't have to drive all over town looking for one book!) or also used bookstores are great because you can buy books for half of the cover price. :)
The only book that I've read by her is "Portrait of a Killer; Jack the Ripper, case closed"
I love reading about the errors made in the investigation of the crime scene and stuff.. it's really interesting.
Thank you very much for posting those ideas Thumpy. I will try and call my library and see if they have it anywhere.

I had seen that Jack the Ripper book on TV and really wanted to read it, but I never knew that she was the one that wrote it. Now I need to get that one too :lol:

Also, I got the first Kathy Reich book too! I never knew there was books about that and I watch Bones too! I love that show, and I never knew that it was based off her book....
Just finished "Point of Origin" that was one of the most intense books, that I've ever read.

I actually said and believe that this book was better than sex. :eek:

Three more to finish until May.
needmorecsi said:
Just finished "Point of Origin" that was one of the most intense books, that I've ever read.

I actually said and believe that this book was better than sex. :eek:

Three more to finish until May.

needmorecsi , I am sorry that you have had bad sex! :eek: But seriously, if you say that Point of Origin is better than sex, I may just have to bypass all of Patricia Cornwell's other books and go straight to it to read! ;)
ThumpyG said:
But seriously, if you say that Point of Origin is better than sex, I may just have to bypass all of Patricia Cornwell's other books and go straight to it to read!

Nooooooo! Read them in order. Point of Origin is an amzing book, but trust me, certain things wont resonate properly unless you've read the books before it. There is stuff happening in it that is set up as far back as books four and five, so read them all first (and in order) i beg of you! (yep, I'm passionate on this subject :lol: )
My friend read them out of order :lol: She read, like, Blowfly first or something then went to Postmortem, then bought Trace and got spoiled. Lmao.

I'm so glad I'm reading them in order.
ThumpyG said:
needmorecsi said:
Just finished "Point of Origin" that was one of the most intense books, that I've ever read.

I actually said and believe that this book was better than sex.

needmorecsi , I am sorry that you have had bad sex! :eek: But seriously, if you say that Point of Origin is better than sex, I may just have to bypass all of Patricia Cornwell's other books and go straight to it to read! ;)

Who Said I had bad sex, maybe the book is just that intense/exciting/pleasureable/fill in adjective that describes great sex.