Patricia Cornwell

I am anxious to read her Ripper book, I have a few other Ripper books and was fortunate enough to go on a 'Ripper Walk' while is London a few years back. It was kind of frightening to go when it was in the evening, because some of the areas appear to not be that safe at night.

I am still on From Potter's Field, I haven't has much time to read due to writing a paper for my forensic's class, but hope to finish it soon. :)
my dad just bought me 'black notice' but i'm still on the 'body of evidence' so i've got a long way before i start reading it!
I haven't read a Patricia Cornwell in a long time. Right now I'm partway through Silence of the Lambs, and I can't wait to finish it and read Blow Fly.
ThumpyG said:
I am anxious to read her Ripper book, I have a few other Ripper books and was fortunate enough to go on a 'Ripper Walk' while is London a few years back. It was kind of frightening to go when it was in the evening, because some of the areas appear to not be that safe at night.

I am still on From Potter's Field, I haven't has much time to read due to writing a paper for my forensic's class, but hope to finish it soon. :)

Jack the Ripper fascinates me. You are really lucky you got to do the tour. I know that may sound weird, but the cases are really interesting.

Also, thanks for the list. Now I will be able to read Body of Evidence, just bought it :)
I went to a bookstore that was closing so everything in the store was 20% off, and I picked up 'Trace' while I was there. of course, I am at least five or so books away from Trace, but I thought that I would get it anyway :)

ok, this is a bit of a rant about Kay in From Potter's Field. Is it just me, or is she acting a bit slutty? (aside from The Body Farm) I guess what I mean is I just finished a chapter and Marino was spending the night, because he feared for her safety and she was all like I know he wants me, like everybody else wants me. I wanted to tell her to get over herself! sorry, it just bugged me, that's all.
ok, this is a bit of a rant about Kay in From Potter's Field. Is it just me, or is she acting a bit slutty? (aside from The Body Farm) I guess what I mean is I just finished a chapter and Marino was spending the night, because he feared for her safety and she was all like I know he wants me, like everybody else wants me. I wanted to tell her to get over herself! sorry, it just bugged me, that's all.

I don't think she's being slutty at all. She's aware of Marino's attraction to her, that immerged after his marriage broke down. He showed a ridiculous level of jealousy towards Benton and his relationship with Kay (aparticularly in the Body Farm) - almost like a jealous school-boy, really. The whole thing makes Kay uncomfortable, because she cares about Marino, relies on him and vice versa, and she doesn't want to hurt him - but she's not in love with him. They're almost like a married couple at this point in their relationship - without the sex or the romance (well, some people might say that's exactly like a married couple... :lol: )

I think the passage you're referring too is Kay experiencing conflicting emotions. She's scared, she wants Marino near her because his presence comforts and protects her, but at the same time it's awkward because, given the choice, he'd like to take things further but she isn't interested in him in that way.
Yes, I see Kay's response in this way as well fg; however, I reckon it's not just with Marino. She also has this peculiar ambivalent type of relationship with Benton and Lucy at times.

Kay is fiercely protective of her independence and of "Fortress Kay". By her own admission, above all else, she treasures her home as her one sanctuary. A dichotomy of sorts in that she goes back and forth between her abject loneliness and the fear of the invasion of her privacy. Poor Benton is acutely aware of this inner turmoil of Kay's but is unable to break past her fears. Well, at least in the early stories.
Great News:

1. Her new book will be out May 23.

2. I just finished "Silence of the Lambs", and wil be starting Blowfly and the rest tonight/tommorrow.
I didn't realize I sparked such a topic!

I guess what I wanted to say was that I wasn't very receptive to her relationship that begun in The Body Farm with Benton. Yes, I saw this coming earlier in her books and am not entirely surprised, just conflicted with her decision to engage in that relationship with him. (Him being married and all). (It upsets me on a more personal level, having been at the other end of someone who has strayed before, and the 'other woman' was a friend). If anything in Kay's case, I am more worried about her personally, than anything else, she is a very strong, independent and intelligent woman fiercely devoted to those she loves, esp. Mark, Lucy, Marino, Benton and who really knows about her family in Miami! :lol: On another note, I am pleased that Lucy has someone like Kay in her life to help guide her and simply love her, something that she never had with her mother Dorothy in Miami.

At this point of the book that I am reading, Marino (with whom I LOVE) is having his own conflicts within his life, with Doris calling him (when she heard about his other GF, Molly) that she wanted to come back to him. I again, would have been very upset had anything occurred with Kay and Marino. (I know that nothing would, but the thought was unnerving to me).

I have a friend who often 'gloats' about how many men like her or want to date her and sometimes listening to her is really annoying,and that is what I was thinking of when I read about Marino and Kay.
I have a question. What is her new book going to be titled? And Marino is attracted to Kay? I'm just in All that Remains so I guess I have a long time to go before I get to read about it, huh?
Cool. I'll just add that one to my list too! I've made a checklist of all of her books. One is for which ones I have read and the other is for the ones that I want to buy or have already bought!

Do any of the characters remind you of yourself? I have to ask that question because I keep thinking that some of them remind me of me. Like sometimes Kay reminds me of me, but then mostly Marino reminds me of myself.
I haven't really thought if any of them remind me of me. I see traits of myself in all of them at times, but no one particularly stands out.

I got Predator from the library though! HECK YES!