Yay! Are you going to make Scrubs icons?? I don't know any sites but i found lots of images when i searched Scrubs on Yahoo! and Google image searches.
OMG!!! I...LOVE...YOU... haha ok i'm sorry for that . But seriously, they are AMAZING! I haven't actually seen them all, i just saw the teasers and started freaking out, but thank you sooo much, you are so talented! *dances happy dance* I need to see the others! :lol:
hey all im a big big big 50 cent and eminem fan..always have been and im wondering if someone srtistic here could make me a wallpaper with 50 cewnrt and eminem coz i cant find any anywhere.....and if poissible would u b able to have the G unit word written there in the proper style..i have the g unit if u need...thansk in advance plz let me know..either by pm or here