Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

I know this is for icons, but i was wondering if someone would make me a new banner. :D I would love a Kurt Cobain banner. Hee :)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Hee! Great idea for a thread! I didn't make these icons (I have my own source ;)), but here are some that I've had made for me.

The fandoms are From Eroica with Love and Much Ado About Nothing (the pictures are from the Kinuko Y. Craft cover of the play).



Re: Other Fandom Icons

Hi _CSI_Junkie_ !
I used to be a Nirvana fan too... ;)

Made you a quick banner - hope you like it....

Re: Other Fandom Icons

Could somebody make me a Jill Hennessy or Jerry O Connell one? If anyone knows who they are. Please?
Re: Other Fandom Icons

I was bored and made you a Jerry icon. Btw, I loved him in Tomcats!

Re: Other Fandom Icons

*Squee!* Sailor Moon!! Lol i was singing the theme song in class today..everyone looked at me weird :p
Re: Other Fandom Icons

"Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! With the sailor scouts to help fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon!"

Aaaah, even after seven years, I still remember that wonderfully cheesy theme song. My favorite was Sailor Saturn, then Neptune, then Pluto. I liked the outer senshi more than the inner senshi.
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