Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

csi_fan_uk said:
CrimeShark said:
I made some icons from the TV show 'Alias'
Wow - excellent icons there CrimeShark! I never got into Alias myself but these icons make me wish I had watched it! :lol:

Thank you! You can always find the DVDs, but I warn you: they're very addictive. I know from experience :lol: And lovely wallpaper, I like 4400! Especially Shawn :cool:
Re: Other Fandom Icons

See i am addicted but i am also addicted to this couple!!!

Does anyone know how to get it like that on Live Journal because it's not working??
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Hi guys

I made a Random Fandom banner for myself, and I thought since I have the time, I could take requests for anyone who wants a banner with their fandoms for LJ or the profile page. Here is my banner -

More info can be found in my LJ. This way everyone with all kinds of fandoms would be happy! :D
Re: Other Fandom Icons

ineverysunflower I love your ER icons!

I seem to frequent this thread a lot and I promise this will be the last time for a while. :p I'm very desperate and need to know if anyone has animated icons John Mayer playing guitar. From his new VW commerical would be awesome, but I'm not that picky. :)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Thanks Gregishot. I would but them on my LJ but i dont know how to get it so when you click on it, it makes it bigger :lol:

Those are wonderful icons ineverysunflower :D

Oh and thank you for the happy birthday :lol:
Re: Other Fandom Icons

The wallpapers are pretty! :D

[15] Alias icons

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