Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

It's okay. ;) That's what they're there for.

And thanks. I can't ever seem to get a coloring I like so I've been going insane trying to find something that makes them pretty. :(
Re: Other Fandom Icons

csikicksurass said:
im guessing you have photobucket pro or something like that :D

Since I have a lot in there :lol:? I know I have to do some spring cleaning again. I did a whole bunch of fanart for a Sonny and Emily website a couple of months back. I've also done a bunch of wallpaper requests here for the wallpaper thread.

I have a photobucket premium account. My husband bought it as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago for me. He just renews it each year. I kept on running out of space and bandwidth with the free account.

tuesday morning you have some stunning stuff. I'll snag and credit of course. I love how you make them as well.

Take Care,
Re: Other Fandom Icons

csikicksurass, I love that Johnny Depp icon!! He's so awesome as a pirate. :)

Anyone have any animated Julie Cooper-Nichol icons?
Re: Other Fandom Icons

That's Sakis Rouvas, this Greek musician who hails from Corfu, Greece. He co-hosted Euro Vision this year and mmm...he's a babe :devil:.
Re: Other Fandom Icons

I was wondering if someone would be able to make me an icon from this picture, with text that says Dorky Kurt or Nerdy Kurt. It doesn't matter to me. Surprise me! :)

Woot!! ^_^
Re: Other Fandom Icons

*hugs csikicksurass* I frigging love you! Those icons are beautiful but the last one...guh *faints*. I can't wait to use 'em. Thanks!
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