Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

Oooo... Sakis icons *wipes of the droool*

damnit JF! You should warn before posting such a droolable pics!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

Whoa! It's a bit early in the morning here to be looking at those sort of pics jf :eek: :lol: But thanks anyway :devil:
Re: Other Fandom Icons

i tried my best

Re: Other Fandom Icons

Awwww thanks! Except one thing...you spelt Kurt wrong, but thats fine. I love it. Thanks! :D
Re: Other Fandom Icons

i was wondering if someone could make me a House, MD icon? Can i do requests here?! Well, anyways, thanks!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

I just did up some House icons and added them to my livejournal.



Comment,credit, no hotlinking if you want to use.

More can be found here in my livejournal

csikickurass Those are adorable. I love your Simpson icons. I'll for sure snag some. I'll credit as well.

Take Care,
Re: Other Fandom Icons

thank you and i have to say one thing

THOSE ARE LOVERLY HOUSE ICONS, HOUSE ROCK MAN AND I LOVE THE HOUSE/CUDDY ONES!! i nicked a couple and i will credit and same with the gary and snickers wp ;)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

csikickurass those Simpsons icons are awesome! I'll probably use 'em in the future and when I do I'll make sure to credit you :).
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