Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

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Re: Other Fandom Icons

csikicksurass said:
Aiden_Burn said:
No there is actually an episode, can't remember the actuall name of the episode, but in Season 2 half way through Chase and Cameron have sex, and that picture is from the scene, though you don't see them having sex you just see them kissing.

It's called Hunting :) to me it was one of the best epi's ever :p

I also made a Huddy WP

Teh love

like the wallpaper...

is there a site where i could see the pics from hunting?? ;)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

GregIsHott I FRICKIN LOVE ALL YOU V FOR VENDETTA ICONS! sorry for that! i just love V for Vendetta! it's one of my favorites!
Re: Other Fandom Icons

lilbug said:
GregIsHott I FRICKIN LOVE ALL YOU V FOR VENDETTA ICONS! sorry for that! i just love V for Vendetta! it's one of my favorites!

awe thanks.. i know it's a kick ass movie... i loved it! :D :D

all on my LJ
Re: Other Fandom Icons

GregIsHott said:
csikicksurass said:
Aiden_Burn said:
No there is actually an episode, can't remember the actuall name of the episode, but in Season 2 half way through Chase and Cameron have sex, and that picture is from the scene, though you don't see them having sex you just see them kissing.

It's called Hunting :) to me it was one of the best epi's ever :p

I also made a Huddy WP

Teh love

like the wallpaper...

is there a site where i could see the pics from hunting?? ;)

I get all me Hunting caps for Caps

and the other caps i get from
More caps

There are more pics of the scene in the first one ;)

And by the way i love your icons and your V one (I love V)
Re: Other Fandom Icons

:lol: thanks (thats my fanforum icon the 4 one)

Does anyone know where i can get some borders for the mini movie icons, like those grey thigs you put around them for PS cs2?
Re: Other Fandom Icons

csikicksurass said:
I love them :D me and Cameron have the same first name :lol:

I made some Chase/Cameron, House/Cuddy and 2 other ones :)



love them!!! i friended you on LJ :) hope you don't mind

okay my turn!!


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Re: Other Fandom Icons

27 "Prison Break 2x03 - Scan" icons
Comments are love.
Credits even more.
No hot-linking or alter icons


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