happyharper13, I really love your style on the X-Files icons, especially the second one. Fabulous job.
Ginnna, awesome Cas icons.

The third one is my favourite. :devil:
FallenForFlack, great work on yours! The first is my fav.
Shazza, could you be anymore awesome? Absolutely adore your icons. I'm definitely going to take a peek into your LJ.
Something_wicked, lovely work on the Supernatural ones! Your style and cropping is fantastic -- I need to take a gander at the rest in the batch.
kaylyne, awesome job on the Sanctuary art.
Ankeila, beautiful colouring.
Love your icons.
cathwillows, I'm such a fan of your Voyager icons.

The first one is phenomenal! O_O I hope you don't mind if I snag some.
E/C Lover, fantastic work on the Supernatural and NCIS:LA ones. The first Jo icon is my favourite, I like how it's put together.
Wolverine_Eagle, great job on your icons! The colouring is so nice.
I brought some Supernatural icons with me!
[66] 'Changing Channels'
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