"One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Well if you go back and look at his facial expression when he sees her, it wasn't a look where he was expecting her to be there. It might not have even been serious. Just because he kissed her, doesn't mean anything. :evil::bolian:

Are you serious? :lol: Oh boy.......
So it`s true: "Denial ain`t just a river in egypt!"

That`s the reason a lot of GSR shippers left this board or stopped posting. *shakes head*

The reason alot of GSR people left is because this ship is ALWAYS being discuss(if you even want to call it that) and because it's being brought up everywhere. At the end of the post you can see the jest in it. No reason to get so testy.

Anyways, as much as I wish it hadn't ended the way it did, it happened. It's over. The two of them had their "Happy Ever After":p, Yay...

Well, you are one of them. You said it`s over,why waste a whole post about GSR and nothing else? :confused:

Not talking about you, but saying: "I wanted to vomit!" is not a discussion, that`s insulting. Another reason for people too leave.
I registered 2006 and this board became so hostile over the years.
Really sad.

Anyway, I liked the episode very much and even enjoyed the new character. I think "Uncle Fish" fits in pretty well.:)

ETA: Quote "did you know that there were more characters in this ep other then Grissom and Sara? "

Yes, indeed. ;o) Loved Catherine`s wink at the end. I thought it was really sweet. She totally knew what Gil was up to. Nick and Greg made me tear up. Hodges is just confusing.
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(if you just mumbled or nodded yes). ;)
lolz. How about shaking head and smirking while murmuring a "see? Told ya." :lol:

The torturing scenes...I really could have done without them. They were much harder to watch than those skeletons. I liked that after the case, Dr. Langston felt he needed to do more than just teaching and took Grissom's offer. Also, that wink Catherine gave him and the smile on his face was a perfect ending for his time in CSI. It looked like he left satisfied, knowing the lab will be in good hands.

Now I can't wait to see Catherine as supervisor. Go Catherine! :D
I thought Nick's goodbye wouldn't be enough, but there was genuine emotion in that scene which said much more than words ever could. The last, fond look that Grissom gave Nick as he watched him in the lab as he was leaving...that was beautiful.

I was disappointed that we didn't hear what Grissom would have said to Greg, but I got the feeling that Gil is proud of Greg and I'm glad also that Greg got the chance to tell him how much his belief meant to him.

The cast really proved themselves as an ensemble in this one, and if I could ever congratulate them on their abilities, their chemistry and talent, well now would be the time.
Yeah the way he looked fondly at everyone as he walked down the hall was really moving and well done by Billy. You can tell there was real emotion behind it.

I think Grissom's expression as he looked at Greg said how proud he was of him. I've always loved the Grissom/Greg dynamic because so often when they worked scenes together, sometimes no words were needed, they would just give each other looks. I think they understood each other really well.

The cast was great in this episode and their chemistry really shined through in it.
I'm avoiding the scary GSR debate and I'm going to attempt to explain Hodges. Yeah, I know, may God be with me. :lol:

Somebody else mentioned something like this, but my thoughts were that the scene between Hodges and Grissom was sort of a callback to You Kill Me. Their discussion was about how Sara left but Grissom wasn't ready to leave. To me it seemed like it was sort of referring to that.

But yes, it was a little odd.
I was never a shipper, and frankly I never really thought they had chemistry, but once the writers continued with the relationship I just sort of went with it. The romance was such a small part of show I really liked so... whatever. And I didn't mind them ending it that way. Plus, I REALLY like monkeys! :lol:

I will say I had tears in my eyes as the big guy took that last stroll through the labs. I'm gonna miss the guy and that's the truth.

And yeah, I did enjoy the whole episode. I liked it better than part 1. I also like that the new guy isn't perfect- he thought he could trick the serial killer into spilling, but he got shot down... and he got angry. It's going to be interesting to have a more "human" guy around. Despite the fact that I'll miss Grissom like no other, I'm still looking forward to next week's episode.
I'm in complete agreement with pretty much your entire post. The only difference is that, on second viewing, I liked Part I more than I thought I did. On first viewing, the pacing did strike me as being odd, but watching it again last night, I found it to be a very enthralling episode. The pacing seemed more cinematic than the usual, run-of-the-mill TV stuff, and I appreciated it more the second time around.
Overall, I enjoyed it. I could have done without the very last scene, but oh well.

I thought it was nice that just about everyone got their own little scenes with Grissom this episode. Nothing with Super Dave or Doc this ep, but they got theirs last ep. I especially liked the walk through the lab and the pause to look at Warrick's memorial card. Very poignant.

Overall, I'll give it a 7.5-8. Would have been a 10 if not for the last scene.
In watching part one again, the serial killer didn't seem as creepy to me as he did the first time. In fact, at times he bordered on laughable.

Ecklie becoming the Under Sheriff did stun me! :lol: I didn't see it coming, and it made it more enjoyable to be surprised. Almost makes me think it's better not to read spoilers. ALMOST. ;)
Very true! Not knowing Ecklie was becoming Undersheriff made it so much more awesome! I think it's a good choice. Ecklie has that snakey persistance about him that makes him perfect for the postion in my opinion. I hope this means that he gets more screen time. More scenes with Conrad is well deserved.

I really liked the Dick & Jane arc. II think it was well played out and well thought out. This reminded me so much of the Paul Milander arc. Another great acting job by everyone involved. Not that it was unexpected or anything. I will hand it to TPTB for that.
Hello and I don't wish to insult you by this but using the term "Get over it." may insults the anti-GSR crowd. They are also entitled to their own opinions :) ;).

I myself do support GSR and am very happy with the episode.

In response to your comment: I'm still new to the board and my quote of your reply did not work--I got someone else's quote. So I copied and pasted it. But the point is that I certainly did not wish to insult anyone here when I made the remark about "get over it." My feelings have been hurt by people throwing the GSR stuff around as it pertains to Gil and Sara's relationship. I'm a romantic at heart and I loved the ending. It was great to see the lovers re-united. That's what I meant.
I personally like the ending. I like that Grissom, who has been 'married' to the job at the expense of his personal life for such a long long time has been courageous enough to go after the things that will make him happy. Regardless of what or who that is, I'm happy for him.

This is very well put, and it makes me feel differently than I have been feeling about the scene. You're right. I feel better. :)

I noticed that a piece of the promo...the voice over of Nick yelling, "Police! Stop!" during the chase scene...was missing. I wondered, when they kept showing Brass in his car, if Nick was with him. But they never really showed the other side of the car, and then Nick wasn't there, so I wonder why they cut that out or if it wasn't really from this episode? *insert confused smiley that ISN'T making a sad face* :lol:


I think they lifted that sound byte from "Let It Bleed". I have no idea why though.
I'm kind of warming up to Ecklie - I think a lot of people are. It'll be interesting to see what we get from him in the next 14-ish episodes. I liked his scene with Grissom - he was so confused and un-Ecklie :lol: it was fun to watch.

Overall I loved the episode. The teamwork, just like in For Warrick, is still there, and I have faith that it'll continue on. I liked Langston a lot better in the second half, he seemed more human to me - but then, we saw more of him and he actually did something.

I really loved Cat in this episode, too. I said this in another thread, but I'll repeat: She's at her best when she's got that balanced strength thing going on. I loved her scene with Nick - I see them more like brother and sister than anything and look forward to seeing them work together more often.

As for Grissom's good-bye scenes with the rest of the cast - I thought that in a few of them it felt like a bit of a parallel between "goodbye Grissom" and "goodbye Billy." Did anyone else get that? I mean, maybe I'm just reading into things but he told Nick, "You were my best student," and Nick has grown a lot over the last 8 1/2 years, as has George.

Anyway, my psychosis aside, Grissom's walk-through just about broke me, but the look on his face - admiring each one of his "guys," you knew he'd be OK, and you can't be sad for a guy who's going to get what he wants.

I was kind of annoyed with the end-end in the rainforest at first because it didn't seem like a Grissom ending to me, but the more I think about it, maybe it wasn't meant to be a Grissom ending at all. Once I adjusted my attitude a little, it felt more like a new beginning for Grissom - which is really what it is for Billy too.
We are SO BEST friends as of right now!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::beer:

Well if you go back and look at his facial expression when he sees her, it wasn't a look where he was expecting her to be there. It might not have even been serious. Just because he kissed her, doesn't mean anything. :evil::bolian:

OK I can't tell if that is snarkiness or what? Grissom and Sara ended up together. He went to Costa Rica to look for her. On CBS.com it says "Grissom ends up with Sara." Carol and Naren have said this is the ending they worked out with WP and JF. Together off into the sunset. Check out this article

Grissom and Sara are canon as a couple and riding off into the sunset. Now we'll have to wait around and see what kind of romantic interest (if any) they pick for Catherine. She has such a great history of men. I'm really hoping that they bring in boyfriend for her. I'd like to see her have a personal life too.

I'm not being snarky, i'm just saying it how I saw it.
I still don't understand why Billy would do that and say something totally different in TV Guide.
I'm going to take a page from Destiny and ask about charactersr other than Grissom and Sara. I know given the ending it's hard to do but here it goes:

Does anyone remember a scene where Langston looks at a ring on his hand? I wonder what that meant.

I find it rather scarey people are continuing to talk about Grissom and Sara. They are gone now and will only be back for guest appearances.

Is this a sign of things to come? Will the show continue on without Grissom? I hope so for the other characters who have been overshadowed over the years by Grissom and Sara-and I'm not bashing them, it just appears to be that way.

The issue I had with GSR is how it overshadowed the organic nature of the show-it was a team show led by Gil Grissom, but on the internet it felt like the Grissom and Sara show.

And reading on other websites how GSR fans are simply going to bale is rather sad because now we get to see the other charcters finally take centre stage and a new character to emerge.
I'm going to take a page from Destiny and ask about charactersr other than Grissom and Sara. I know given the ending it's hard to do but here it goes:

Does anyone remember a scene where Langston looks at a ring on his hand? I wonder what that meant.

I do not recall seeing that, no. Hm.

I find it rather scarey people are continuing to talk about Grissom and Sara. They are gone now and will only be back for guest appearances.

I don't mean to just talk about Grissom and Sara because Sara was my least favorite but i'm only talking about them at this point in time because I was disappointed and I feel really mislead. I was literally waiting for weeks to see this episode and it came out extremely different than I had thought. There were so many rumors, spoilers, etc. about who Gil would end up with and the only one that I found to be the most meaningful was the TV Guide interview with Billy.
I hear Billy will be back for the 200th episode, that is wonderful! I am willing to accept him back in to my bedroom - I mean, on my TV in my room. :guffaw:

Is this a sign of things to come? Will the show continue on without Grissom? I hope so for the other characters who have been overshadowed over the years by Grissom and Sara-and I'm not bashing them, it just appears to be that way.

Oh it can, Marg is there! :thumbsup:That's the only reason on WHY i'm continuing to watch it. If she wasn't on it anymore though, I would definitely stop watching it. Until she leaves, i'm here forever. Love Catherine!

The issue I had with GSR is how it overshadowed the organic nature of the show-it was a team show led by Gil Grissom, but on the internet it felt like the Grissom and Sara show.

From where I hang out, which is mostly youtube lol, it felt like the Grissom and Catherine show ;) Which she is the female lead after all. :cool: :drool:

And reading on other websites how GSR fans are simply going to bale is rather sad because now we get to see the other charcters finally take centre stage and a new character to emerge.

What other websites are you on?
I'm looking forward to seeing other characters take center stage even if I am disappointed that Billy decided to leave.