NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

Top41 said:

^ *HUGS Fay* :D
*hugs my Toppy one* :D

And yeah, we figured pizza and porn night would be a good way to start out so that people could chat and get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. And for those who can't come in until Friday, you won't miss any of the big activities.
B-but...they'll miss pizza and porn night. :(


Elsie said:

Yay! MrElsie's favourite place in LA. He is easily pleased.
:lol: I don't suppose it had anything to do with the hawt chicks serving us? :p

I was disappointed not to get asked for ID at all last summer. It's sad that no one thinks I might just possibly be under 21. :lol:
Some random woman at the mall thought I was in high school the other day. :vulcan:

Woman: *gestures to my Ohio t-shirt* Oh, are you from Ohio?
Me: No, but I used to live there.
My Mom: Ramble-ramble-tell a random stranger our life story-ramble. We moved around a lot.
Woman: Oh, that must be hard for you with school.
Me: *blinks and maintains polite smile* ...Yes.

I started my diet last week. It's not going well.
I think we're doomed.

Top41 said:

We did! MrsG and I are now the proud owners of The Big C's and Bad Boys on Duty, respectively. :lol: Sadly, the title that was recommended to us, Good Cops Gone Bad wasn't in stock. :(
:( But are the ones you got delightfully wretched, at least? :p
^They're wretched for sure, delightfully...well that's up for debate. Bad Boys on Duty is definitely superior to The Big C's but really, that's like saying dog poo is better than cow poo. :lol: Not the best titles out there--at least I hope not. midnight might have to help me in the continuing quest for hot cop flicks. :lol:
Porn is like fanfic--99% of everything out there is shit. I think it's best used for lulz rather than, you know, trying to enjoy it.

So basically I'll just be laughing at everything. I have my list of gay porn pet-peeves, and I'm sure they'll have at least one of them in the videos you guys have.

It is perhaps a sign of some deeper problem that I actually have seen enough gay porn to have pet-peeves. :)
I'm wondering if there's something wrong with me since the first thing I looked visiting all those restaurants/bars' pages were the menus... ;)
Porn is like fanfic--99% of everything out there is shit. I think it's best used for lulz rather than, you know, trying to enjoy it.

LOL, that was us on Saturday night. Five girls watching gay porn and critiquing it. :lol: It was funny--we were noticing things like the decor and the music. Suffice it to say, I think girls watch porn differently than guys do. :lol: Oh, and we were mean--when the boys came over, we left the porn on and pretended we had already started watching the movie we had talked about. :lol: They were good sports.

So basically I'll just be laughing at everything. I have my list of gay porn pet-peeves, and I'm sure they'll have at least one of them in the videos you guys have.

It is perhaps a sign of some deeper problem that I actually have seen enough gay porn to have pet-peeves. :)

Awwww, that's my Fay! :D I want to see that list of pet peeves. I bet both flicks have some if not all of them. One of them was pretty bad. :lol:

I'm wondering if there's something wrong with me since the first thing I looked visiting all those restaurants/bars' pages were the menus... ;)

Nothing at all! I'm the same way. How do the restaurants look to you guys? Okay? I've eaten at all of them, and I can vouch for the food. So can MrsG, actually.

Damn. Why does CBS not offer a tour? That kinda makes me sad...

There's really not that much to see at CBS. It's a smaller lot and the only real attraction are the sets, which you can't really get on anyway when they're filming. It's a great lot (one of my favs actually), but it's a working lot. Kind of like the place I was working at last year--cute, but not much to see.

Griffith Park again? ;)

Yes. :p The Observatory is a planetarium and it's cool. And free! And now we can get all the way up to it to park. There is a mild hike above the Observatory which takes you close to the Hollywood sign. It's an easy, easy hike, but those who don't want to go on it can opt to stay at the Observatory longer or see the planetarium show.
Okay, I'm not going to be a spazz like last year and say I can go where in the end I couldn't, but I so want to go this year!

There's a slight possibility that I'll be in Oceanside during these dates but if not, I will just get on a bus and come on down. Well, except for pizza and porn night. ;)

But for Griffith Park and Universal Studios (and even lunch), I'm certainly trying.

(And I don't think adding a hike is a bad idea, Kristine. ;) )
Hey ladies, I've returned from a weekend with Top and think we have a really fun itinerary lined up. More mellow than last year.

There were a few noteworthy highlights of my visit. First, check out what a sport Top is ... unlike some whiny gals from last year. :lol: Top was up till 3am on Friday night, yet here is proof that she's still able to drag her butt out of bed for a 9am hike:


Perhaps she was fueled by a little discovery we stumbled upon the previous afternoon. It's true, we now know how Carmine paid the rent prior to scoring his CSI:NY gig. Unfortunately, I had to crop out 'the money shot' per board rules, but this is a DVD box found at Pleasure Chest -- West Hollywood's pornucopia of DVD's and arm sized 'toys'.


Remarkable likeness, no?

On Saturday night, we had a little viewing party in which we fired up our Pleasure Chest purchases for a mixed company anal extravaganza. ... Look at what cops apparently do on their off time :eek::


Note the wife beater on the 'feminine' one? :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure whether to try to peek behind Kristine's hand or stare at her bewbs. Nice rack, sweetums. *waggles eyebrows* ;)

And yes, that is a remarkable likeness. :eek:
Hey ladies, I've returned from a weekend with Top and think we have a really fun itinerary lined up. More mellow than last year.

There were a few noteworthy highlights of my visit. First, check out what a sport Top is ... unlike some whiny gals from last year. :lol: Top was up till 3am on Friday night, yet here is proof that she's still able to drag her butt out of bed for a 9am hike:


:lol: And I'm even happy! :D

Perhaps she was fueled by a little discovery we stumbled upon the previous afternoon. It's true, we now know how Carmine paid the rent prior to scoring his CSI:NY gig. Unfortunately, I had to crop out 'the money shot' per board rules, but this is a DVD box found at Pleasure Chest -- West Hollywood's pornucopia of DVD's and arm sized 'toys'.


Remarkable likeness, no?

:lol: I think it looks even more like him in your photo than it did on the box. :lol: And yes, we found that in the boy-on-boy section.

On Saturday night, we had a little viewing party in which we fired up our Pleasure Chest purchases for a mixed company anal extravaganza. ... Look at what cops apparently do on their off time :eek::


Note the wife beater on the 'feminine' one? :lol:

I'm impressed at how well my hand covers the money shot. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure whether to try to peek behind Kristine's hand or stare at her bewbs. Nice rack, sweetums. *waggles eyebrows* ;)

:lol: Awwww, I am flattered! My boobs are competition for mansexuals. Now that is a compliment! :D

And yes, that is a remarkable likeness. :eek:

Poor Carmine... :lol: This is how rumors are born... :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG. MOOBS. Please to be giving me the brain bleach.

But ladies, looking good there! :D You must let me know which, uhm, film you were watching there! :devil: :lol:
Oh! The itineray looks awesome, and more time to sleep and chill out at the hotel is always appreciated.
It's a little less packed than last year's schedule--no 8am hike
Since the hike is later in the day, gives Top more time to get lost. ^_^
Wow, all this talk of pizza and porn... should be amazingly interesting. Ha, and I'll even be legally allowed to take part! (tell me if I'm wrong on that) Though still unable to drink...damned having to be 21 in the States...here its 18 and I plan to be wasted for the three days following my birthday (45 days away!)
How many of y'all are like "ok, the schedule is up, I need to get started on my diet now"? :p It can't just be me.
I've been working on that for a while now...still failing, but I'm trying. Grad's in three months! Gotta look my best. ^_^
I definitly see the likeness. ^_^ He's pretty hot. And Top's hand is in the perfect place in the other picture, at least perfect enough to keep to board rules.
Can't wait to see everyone again!
As an atheist, i don't believe hell exists, therefore i can watch all the porn i want. Yay! :thumbsup:

p.s...your trip sounds great, i am jellus :)