NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

We all have 'em. Our favorite quotes from our favorite episodes. I have so many that I can't remember them all. Just wondered what quotes everybody likes. I'll start us off with one of mine.

Flack: So, a crapsicle killed this guy??

Aiden: Plain and simple.

ha thats also my favorite the whole banter between them in that episode is pretty radical.

some of my other faves tho:
-Danny: "There's one thing I hate more than running... leaping"
-Stella: "Something gooey here."
Mac: "Gooey? That's a good forensic word. Gooey. I have to use that more."
Lindsay: It's funny how a little lube speeds up the processing.

Lindsay: You think Danny calls me Montana because I'm a 49ers fan?
Sid: He calls you that because he's got a crush on you.

Lindsay: I'm swearing off bacon for life.

Stella: Now it's up to you whether that thumbprint comes as a match in AFIS. And if it does, you have no one to blame but yourself.
A classic:

Danny: Hey Montana, look at this view huh, sure beats the wheatfields don't it?
Lindsay: *Studies the view* Have you even ever seen a wheatfield? *she walks away*
Danny: What's to see? It's just wheat.
Danny: Ya hungry?
Aiden: Yeah.
Danny: Bite to eat?
Aiden: Yeah.
Danny: I'll drive. Put you on the hood?
Aiden: *shove* Put you on the hood!
:lol: I like the wheat field too, classic :D

Stella : Oh, that can't be sanitary.
Danny : Who cares if it's sanitary. I want to see the menu.

Flack : Would these eyes lies? :lol:
I have to ask.. which episodes are lookaboomerang, Imzadi83, and fo_poozle's quotes from? :lol: :D Can anyone tell me please?
Lookaboomerang and Imzadi83 got their quotes from the S1 episode "Hush."

fo_poozle's quote about leaping is from the S1 episode "The Closer" and the gooey quote is from "Rain" (also S1).

I think those are right. ;)

I love the 'crapsicle' line. :lol: I also love the line from that episode when Flack and Aiden are standing by the Porta-potty and Aiden was like, "What do you guys do in there?" and Flack replied, "I don't go in public." (Not exact quotes ;)). :lol:
Imzadi83's quote was from season 1-Hush. That was the best storyline. That's where we were introduced to the robospanker. That episode also has Spatula Man. Kinda gross but Mac's quote: Tell him to bring a spatula and when Hawkes showed up he actually had one. :D

I loved the one about Danny saying leaping. I just watched it the other day but couldn't remember which eppy it was from.

That whole Flack/Aiden storyline in Tri-Borough was hilarious. There were lots of good quotes. I loved when they were walking down the hall and she was telling him all those long words and he blurted out the last one she said. Aiden: You know what that is? Don: No *then turned and kept walking*
I don't know the exact quote, but I love the line that the wedding apparel clerk hands to Mac and Danny in "Til Death Do We Part."

Truman: Look around, if you see anything you like, I'll make you a sweet deal.

Meanwhile, slightly smirking, Mac looks over at a bewildered Danny. :)

"Hush," "Stuck on You," and "Bad Beat" also had some great quotes. ;)
Speaking of "Til Death Do We Part," I loved when Danny and Maka were flirting at the beginning and Mac asked if they wanted to be alone and said something like, "I can drag the body outside." :lol:
Mac: It could happen to you, you know.
Danny: What, marriage?
Mac: Love
Danny: Don't even say stuff like that, it's not funny.
^That episode had a lot of great quotes.

I think the best quotes probably come from Flack in both seasons. I loved the comment that he made to the suspect about 'seeing other detectives on the side.' :)