Not A Day Goes By - CSI: Miami fanfic


CSI Level One
This is a story I'm in the process of writing, and I'd love some opinions on it. This is based on Season 6, so definately a lot of spoilers. I'm writing this from all three characters' POVs - Horatio Caine/John Harmon's, Julie Eberly's & Kyle Harmon's. Hopefully y'all will be able to tell who's talking.

If I've got Kyle's birthdate wrong... sorry. :lol:

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Title - Not a Day Goes By
Author - Sissi
Rating - PG-13 or less... not 100% sure. Nothing horrible :)

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October 1990

He stood out among all the patients I was seeing that day. I could've sworn he was some kind of James Bond, minus the red hair and American accent. He sat in the lobby, patiently waiting with his hands drumming on the side table. The sun shining through the glass window behind him brightened his face, and boy did he look handsome. He looked up occasionally, catching my gaze and smiling at me. His blue eyes twinkled, and I smiled back shyly.


I turned around, taking the clipboard from one of the nurses with a nod. My next patient's name was written on the top of the sheet, and I looked around for someone to match the name.

John Walden.

At Glenview Hospital, the people who came to see me were mostly heatstroke-stricken tourists whe weren't used to the Pesecola sun. Whoever John Walden was, he was definately not a tourist. Unless he was quite an unlucky one. According to his file, John had a bullet in his arm, and it needed to be dressed. I was quite confused. Surely somebody with a gunshot wound would be screaming bloody murder by now.

The waiting room was dead quiet.

I held the clipboard to my chest, walking in the room with a smile. The red-headed Bond character looked up, his blue eyes meeting mine.

"John Walden?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling and getting out of his chair. He winced a little, with his good arm held out.

"Dr. Julie Eberly." I greeted, shaking his hand. "I understand you were shot?"

"Just a graze, ma'am." he replied, his voice deep and friendly.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Come with me please? I have an exam room ready."

I let his hand drop and lead the way down the hall, looking back occasionally to be certain he was following. John grinned, his eyes twinkling as he watched me.

"Right here." I directed, opening the door for him. "Go sit on the table and I'll be right with you."

John nodded, pulling off his black jacket. I noticed a small bloodstain forming on the sleeve of his baby-blue dress shirt, and I was concerned.

"Take off your shirt, please?" I asked, not realizing the nature of my words as he thought them to be.

I heard him chuckle amusedly, then saw him take off his shirt to me to examine his wound. I put some pressure on his arm to try and slow the bleeding, reaching for some gauze to cover it.

"You got changed?" I wondered aloud.

"How did you know?" he replied.

I smirked.

"No GSR on your shirt, it's not torn where the bullet hit your flesh, and I can see the fibres in the wound aren't the right color."

I looked at John, grinnnig. He looked satisfied, as if I had just kissed him.

"You're very good, Dr. Eberly." he commented.

"Why thank you." I replied, "It's what I do."

September 2007


Her name is still always on my mind sixteen years later. Even after Yelina, after Marisol. I miss her smile, her laugh... the way she would look at me whenever she saw me. It was a look of pride; a look of pure joy. The smile just lit up her face, sending a light into her soft hazel eyes. I still have her picture on my nightstand. I smile at her and wish her goodnight before I pray each night, hoping that she is happy wherever she is.

When Yelina found Kyle's adoption papers, all I wanted to know was the name of his father. The boy's appearance had struck a chord with me, but what confused me was the last name. Harmon? Who the hell was Harmon?

It didn't matter. What really struck me was his eyes... and the way his face reminded me of a certain green-eyed auburn-haired belle I had never forgotten.

"Julie Eberly."

I focused on Yelina for a moment, my heart skipping a beat. I shifted my stance and bit my lip.

"Does it say who the father is?"

Yelina glanced at the paper, shaking her head.

"Nope." she said, flipping the page. "Sorry."

I nodded, looking down and sighing. I glanced down and my sunglasses, twisting them in my hands. I said nothing, but sighed.

"Horatio?" Yelina said softly, tilting her head in my direction. "What is going on between you and this boy?"

I just stared at her.

"That's what I'm about to find out."

* * *

"Our suspect..." Valera gasped, handing me a printout, "He's your son."

I felt like I had just had a ton of weight lifted from my shoulders, and yet I knew this wasn't over. I looked at the paper in my hands, sighing. I jumped slightly at the touch of a soft Latina hand on my shoulder.


Yelina looked at me, pulling me into the hall. I knew I couldn't hide it from her much longer.

"Yelina?" I said, looking in her soft brown eyes, "I'm Kyle's father."

The detective looked surprised, and I began to explain.

"John Walden was an alias I used undercover in Pensecola. I met Julie at a hospital where she worked. We..."

I couldn't continue. Julie and I would always be the only ones who would ever know what happened to make this mess. Det. Salas, understanding as always, nodded.

"Was it something?" she asked gently.

I swallowed, trying not to cry.

"It was to me."

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No comments? Aww... :(
You are going to continue this story, right? It looks very good to me. A point of view of what happen with Julie and H. Please continue.
It's good I think u should definitely continue it, its a great look into what happened and how horatio got a son
Yup, I'm continuing... and here's an update to thank you guys for commenting!

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October 1990

"You cold?"

John wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close as I rubbed my arms to stay warm. I grinned shyly, shrugging his arms away. He could tell I was nervous about all this, even after a little over a month with him. He stopped, looking at me with that smile. He took my hand, his eyes twinkling in the twilight of the cold autumn evening.

"What's wrong, Julie?" he asked, his voice a husky whisper.

I stopped, staring back at him. I couldn't help but sight. The handsome gentleman standing in front of me with striking red hair and gentle blue eyes never could do anything except make me fall for him. He slowly pulled me back in his arms with an amused chuckle, followed by my own giggles for sighing at him. Soon, he had me in a tight embrace that was beginning to make my heart race.

"You're hilarious," he teased, "And you haven't even said anything."

"I know." I whispered, looking up and finding myself just inches from his face.


John chuckles, touching my cheek softly with the back of his hand. I found it practically impossible to catch my breath, and had to shut my eyes for a moment. When I opened them, he was looking into my hazel eyes with his own shining sapphires. I closed my eyes again, and let John kiss me. The taste of him was sugary sweet, and warm like hot cocoa on Christmas day. I kissed him back with all the gentle passion I could muster.

His fingertips traced the curves of my body, lulling me into some kind of heavenly daydream. He stopped just above my hips, holding the small of my back. I clung to the back of his neck, my hands in his thick red hair.

"Don't let me go." I whispered, taking a short breath.

"Never." he whispered, kissing me again.

Rain began to fall, getting us soaking wet in it's downpour. I pulled away, catching my breath at the sight of his darkened hair against his head. He was just too damn handsome, and I smiled up at him.

"Come with me." he said, "Please."

He backed away, letting my hands fall back to my sides. He held out his right hand, and I just stared. What did he want? What did he mean by all this? He simply watched, then took a breath.

"Let me take you someplace where I can never let you go."

In the silence of those next few moments, our eyes were locked on each others'. I loved him, and I could tell he loved me back. Why else would he want me to come with him?

I took his hand and let him lead me out of the park, my mind still on cloud nine.

Wow, this was hot and gentle. This is getting very good. You are a good writer SpeedsDaughter. Counting the minutes for the next update.
Keep going with this. I like it :cool:
I like the way it gives an insight to what happened 16 years ago. (Hey, if the writers won't give it to us, we'll make it up ourselves! :D)
Continue to update, please!
I promise I'll post an update ASAP... I'm writing it on looseleaf paper while I'm in science class :lol:

As soon as I finish typing it up, I'll post it here and on FF (my username there is tatianolishka...long story :rolleyes:)

ETA: Hooray! It was a short chapter this time *dances happily*

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October 2007

All I could think about when I got home was Julie.

Kyle looked so much like her. Her eyes, the emerald gems I saw whenever I kissed her, were there. Kyle had her stature, too. Tall and thin. I couldn't belive this was my son... our son.

I sat down oon the bed, trying to let it all sink in. Her picture stared back at me, and I smiled. I remembered that rainy day, holding her in my arms as I felt the soft pale skin of her face against my cheek. The felling of her dark russet hair between my fingers as it tangled in the silver rain, how it made me want her to be in my arms for the rest of my life. She was my first love; the first woman I truly cared about.

Questions still ran through my mind after all this time. Why did I let her go? Why didn't she tell me about the baby?

I sighed, putting my face in my hands. I tried to image bing back with Julie, back in that moment when I knew she was The One. What would have happened if I had just... held on?

The phone rang, and I made no attempt to answer it. I just lay on the bed, my hand on my stomach while the other lay across the pillow over my head. Just as I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep, a voice from the past came from the answering machine.

"John?" she said, "It's Julie."

Nice update, but.... you have to tell us about your nickname, its kind of funny, and I love when someone have nicks from funny or rare stories.
MacsGirlMel - John Walden was an alias Horatio Caine used while doing some undercover work in Pensecola sixteen years ago... See 6x01 is you want the full story :)

RedHot Oh boy... it was a spelling mistake I did on a report awhile back. I'm a Russian History/Romanov enthusiast (for lack of a better term :lol:). I kinda crammed the Grand Duchesses Olga & Tatiana's nicknames together and recieved the result "TatianOlishka". I handed the report in, then got it back with a lovely red circle around the names.

Anyways, I'll get an update up as soon as I can. I had to work today, and I have dance in a few minutes. Plus my cat has chosen this precise moment to sleep in front of my computer, and it's a miracle I haven't written any spelling mistakes :lol:

And for everyone else... stay tuned for the next part! Thanks so much for reading and commenting... it makes me smile. :)


ETA: Yay! Update! It's short... the chapters I'm writing now are HUGE. Can't wait to post those ones.

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November 1991

Lying beside him gave me the most amazing feeling. Everytime he moved, I thought I woul lose my breathe. He would look at me, that smile still lingering on his face as he touched my cheek.

"It's allright, love."

His whispers were calming and gentle, like the voice of an angel sent from heaven.

The next morning brought John and I, sleeping peacefully and tangled up in a mess of bedsheets and pillows. As I slowly awoke, I felt his fingetips slide across my skin. I giggled as I turned to face him with an amused grin.

"Morning handsome." I greeted.

He smiled back, kissing my cheek.

"Morning beautiful."

I grinned, sighing and chuckling as he pulled me close to him.

"Come on, John!" I teased, tickling his chest, "Get up!"

He obeyed, the mischevious grin not once leaving his face as I covered myself with the sheets.

"You know that just makes me want you more." he said, that smug smile of his lingering still.

I tossed him a pillow, trying to look evil but failing. Whenever his eyes were shining like that, his lips turned into an upward grin, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Go have a shower," I muttered, turning away to hide my smile, "and get your clothes back on! Geez."

John laughed and I buried my face in the pillows. I felt him rub my side again, kissing my cheek and I heard him leave the room. I sighed, rolling over and staring up at the ceiling with a smile. This, I told myself, was heaven on earth.

"Julie, where's the soap?"

I sighed, laughing as I pulled on a robe and hurried to help him. I had only known him for less that a month, and I already felt I was playing the part of the dutiful wife. I was loving that.

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A/N: When I was writing this, I was on a schoolbus with my boyfriend and my English teacher. I'm desperately trying to hide this part of the story, and then my teacher snatches it right out of my hands. From the reaction she gave ("Oh my!" :lol:), my bf is now rather suspicious of my writing :D