Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

yeah... i see what you're talking about. but, i do think it's kinda good for us. because, it isn't really (as nick said) a good idea to date someone you work with. i think it would be better to date someone that.. yeah, would be on Swing Shift.

and as we know, Nick is moving up. supervisor maybe? and sara's moving to swing. if sara/jorja sticks around... that's looking good for us because... they'd probably/hopefully be on two different shifts so they can have thier RELATIONSHIP!!

ok... throughout the episode, Sara didn't seem all there either. like, at the end. i think when sara said to ecklie: 'we're still together'<< or something like that... i think sara's completely inlove with grissom right now because she thinks he saved her. and... i think that's gonna eat nick alive. HE wants to be her hero. and something as big as this? with SARA'S love on the line? he's gonna be crushed. call me creepy... but i'm so excited for that!! nick's gonna fight back!! EEE!! I can't wait :D

and yea, it wouldnt seem right if sara married someone else. i think EVERYONE can agree with that!!
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

You're right - that could work. Two different teams, two different positions . . . and if, say for example, they began their relationship and the lab needed Sara back on Grave Yard shifts, the lab couldn't order them break it off . . . it would just sort of have to be accepted - and of course, both would have to agree to keep things professional - and only mild groping in the broom closet during breaks! LOL!
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

yeah... exactly.

hm... that'd be intesting! haha!!

but.... i think the lab is really annoyed by them together, not beacuse they work together... because they hid it from everyone. they were trying to avoid something that of easly been moved around. ecklie doesnt seem mad that they are together. no one (except for nick) seems mad that they are together. probably because they knew it was gonna happen eventually. but, i think they are all a little pissed that they hid it from them for... what? 2 years?

haha... i'm kinda hoping someone will say the line: 'and we call ourselves CSIs'. haha!!!

got some pictures for you guys!!

nick's reaction to greg 'knowing'
knowing they're there
Nick: *looking at Sara* you wanna ride?
Sara: *smiling* wish i could
Grissom: NOWAY!! she's MY girlfriend
Nick: maybe later...
the cutest smile to sara!
not the happeist person anymore... seeing sara and grissom together
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Ha! I never noticed Nick's face looking like that (the "not the happiest person anymore . . . seeing sara and grissom together") . . .

I was watching the premiere again last night (I'm editing together the good stuff - Sara's rescue and Snickers stuff, scenes together, scenes where they talk of one another - that way I don't have to wait for the S8 DVDs! LOL!) and I know we've talked about it before . . . but yuck! Natalie comparing her love for her (foster) father to Sara's love for Grissom . . . just skeeves me out! It's wrong.

I know that people say that they see Nick and Sara as brother/sister, but I just honestly have not seen that side to them. I see two people who deeply care about one another who have a flirtation . . . and chemistry. :)

I agree that the people at the lab aren't pissed that they are together, but rather that they hid it. I can understand why they would - wanting to tread lightly and see where things go. And then when things got 'serious', they probably just didn't know how to tell the others and because it'd been going so well quietly, why change it? It's a catch 22 . . . I definitely think it was more Grissom's idea than Sara's to keep it hidden though, and probably because of his job title. And knowing how much his career and respectability means to him, I can see why she'd go along with it . . . but I think, with Sara's comment about not liking to deceive people was purposefully put in the same episode (Redrum) as Nick taking issue with Cath and Kepplers staged scene.

Sara was deceiving people about her and Grissom, but admitted to not liking it and Nick was pissed off that someone he trusted didn't trust him enough with such a sensitive issue -- a staged crime scene to lure the real suspect out of hiding, versus an affair to which the boss could seriously be reprimanded, if not loose his job all together . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It


i think sara knows nick won't like it.. just because of what happened in redrum. i dont think sara knows about nick's feelings... i dont think anyone knows about it. which.. i think is gonna be very intesting!! haha

do you have the clips from dead doll downloaded? because i'm trying to make a sara video... and i want some of the clips from dead doll to put in it. so.. yeah, i'm gonna keep looking.

i definatly dont see sara and nick as brother and sara. brothers and sisters don't flirt like that, look at each other like that. greg and sara, i dont see them as brother and sister, i see it as brother and older sister's best friend. haha

but grissom and sara... YEA!! definatly father/daughter. natalie even saw that. ew... she was probably so disguisted when she saw grissom touch sara's arm like that.. EEEEWW!!!

here's the end scene of a la cart:

end scene

i think at the end of the scene, sara's just completely confused. like... she thinks grissom saved her, so she's probably like "we belong together, he's my hero." but.. she knows something isnt right. i can't wait till she finds out nick did everything!! :D
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

No, I don't have that scene. I'm living in the stone ages, because everything I have is on VHS tape . . . I had a DVR recorder but the stupid thing crapped out . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

haha... ok.

beacuse i've been looking and trying to find the scene where sara's fighting natalie in the car.. but i can't find any clips from season 8, dead doll. goodness!! haha

so, i was wondering... where is everyone?! Snickersville all the sudden became a ghost town!! haha!!

i can't find any spoilers of nick and sara working together in the next episode. BUT the next episode is looking REALLY good! i'm so excited!!!

i can't help but think that, once again, the writers are dropping hints. like, when ecklie said: 'dont most woman like the world to know they're dating someone?'

^^i LOVE that they slid that in there. like: wow, ecklie's RIGHT! and then grissom's reaction: where do you get your advice on woman.

ah haa!!! i'm loving this. nick's moving up, becoming more of a man for sara and he FOUND sara! this is looking GREAT you guys!:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I was wondering where everyone had disappeared too as well . . . maybe all us Canadian Snickers fans are off doing our Turkey Day stuff . . . I still can't believe I have to work tomorrow! *sighs*

Oh, and I think I may have us another Snickers fan to join in on our convos. She's a very sweet person and I told her about the site . . . so hopefully! :)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

ooh... really?! niice. the more the merrier!! haha!!

oh yeah!! thanksgiving. but, i think it's just me and you, meg, for canadians in here. wait... are there any other canadian snickers? haha!!

i was just over at the 'viva la snickers' forum, and i'm trying to get it going. it seems REALLY dead there so i was hoping that maybe we could set a spark there. seeing as season 8 is DEFINATLY going somewhere, there forum should be BLOWING UP!! haha!!

so... any snickery spoilers coming up? i really want nick and sara to work together!!:) of course, that might be a little harder, now that they are on different shifts:(
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I have't said much because I still don't know what to think. Obiviously I want Snickers to happen, but I'm not sure I agree that it's going to go down like some of you are predicting.

I dunno when, where, why, or how. But it's going to happen for us. I just know it guys!

FYI We started the Nick chatper of Symphony of Change today, so we should have that to you guys by the end of the week!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Hi guys, been so with work and all that I have not had a chance to really come in here. My manager had me redo our csi wall that we have in the store. so I had a lot of fun doing that. My manager is a die hard Snickers fan. She said that she is going to come in here and check us out. So looks like we have a new snickers memeber maybe. Also she let me buy CSI:Ny season 3 today. I was jumping up and down, sence it does not come out until Tue. She also told me that that when we get season 7 in, that I can have it early.

Also I love the last scene in A la Cart, Nick was so cute. I think that Sara will end up with Nick...I have high
Ok I'm heading to bed.. Night all!!!!
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Honestly, it would be kind of weird if it did go down the way it's being rumoured, but hey, at least it would happen right? That's something we have to keep in mind. So, if in fact they DO plan on having nick and sara together, we can look forward to that, no matter how it happens.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Now that's something I can agree with! As long as they're planning it, we can rest assured.

I actually think there is a very strong possibility of a Sara, Grissom, Nick triangle.

I hope there is because that would be hot!