Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

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yay new thread go sweet snickers
let have a party here's

nick: making a sexy growl
and it's effect on
sara : making a sexy moan
they found the camera
yayz! new thread! :)

This is truly a feat considering the ludicrous lack of worthwhile scenes that we got this season.

We'd better get some action next season or I'm going to be sending some serious hate mail to TPTB. Oh yes, THERE WILL BE PAPER CUTS! >:D
Congratulations on the new thread.

Loving all the pics, they look soo cute, would post some if I had the strength to search for some.

*Walks out too make sure not to give everyone a cold*
Mariel, I love the wallpaper . . . so adorable. I could totally get behind Nicky being a farmer -- he kind of looked hot in those rubber pants with suspenders -- even though he was playing in pig crap! LOL! Ah hell, who am I kidding? It's just George -- who cares what he's wearing (or not wearing!)?
*does a happy dance* NUMBER 21!! WOOT WOOT! congrates everyone. it's pretty amazing we mad it this far with those "scenes" they gave us last season. i posted all the ones i could remember in that last/#20 thread. (right here)

I'M SO EXCITED!! i love the title too. eh he... GO GEORGE!!

i'm really expecting alot of Snickers moments next year you guys. (if sara lives) I'M SO EXCITED!!

Meg, i'm reading your story "Back To You", OMGOODNESS... AMAZING!! i'm only on chapter 2 and i'm already spell bound!

ok... some adorable pictures for the new SNICKERS thread!!!!!!
catherine knows...
Need some help with the rest of those buttons Sara?
i think this is one of the most adorable smiles Nick has ever given, and it was too sara!
Nick's looking hot for sara!
nicky's staring.. and sara's liking!
You are not the only one, I can't see the picture and it says 'No Hotlinking'

Emily, Can you fix all the picture? It said, 'No Hotlinking.'

We want to see the picture of Snickers, yummy. Please.
sorry, i fixed it now. it's all good.

ok, i was talking to my friends today and we just watched Pirates of the Carribean 3. well, we were saying who like better together, Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth, or Will Turner and Elizabeth. (sorry if you're not following or havent seen then movie.. but i'll get to the point soon:p). ok well, we were saying that it's boring when people in a relationship are EXACTLY the same. it's better when they are differnt, but are still kinda the same. well, when we were talking about this, the only thing that i was thinking of is GSR and Snickers. GSR; EXACTLY alike and it's SO boring, SNickers; different but yet the same. they love each other, and you can tell. even though my friends didn't know it.. they were saying that GSR is boring and SNICKERS rules!!!

ollieuan, i REALLY hope you write something to the TPTB. they NEED to be TOLD!! come on, who can resist the chocolately, nutting loving that is SNickers?!

i have a question, does anyone know who the writers are next season and if we have any SNickers writers writing for CSI? please please please, we need LOTS of SNickers LOOOVE!! :D
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