Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

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Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Holy free holies Batman i love it NSF :lol:

I have alot of reading to do, thanks alot Heart now i have to read some loverly fics about a lovely couple thanks to you :lol:
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

NSF, you should write that story. I love it what you wrote.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

heartagram69 said:
you should write that fic!!! i luv fics where greg over hears things and interprets them wrongly. and then he goes round telling people what he heard and all hell breaks loose, its fun, LOL.

i got heaps of new snickers fic up at my LJ too if people are interested =P

CHAPTER 1 of 2's company, 3's a crowd, 4's a family is up, with the two previous stories in the series up in full.

another new fic, Nightmare

another fic, Triangle Summary: Sara and Nick are out at a bar, talking about Sara's relationship with Grissom and how she isn't happy. Both their true feelings on the issue and towards each other are revealed. GSR angst, snickers flangst.

another ficlet, Scapegoat/dog Summary: Urm... toilet humor ficlet, ROFL. because no one EVER grows out of toilet humor and whoever says they have is lying and needs to unclench, rofl

i think thats it... LOL. comments are my drug of choice (over at my LJ) woot

edited to remove link to the "Nightmare" fic because of the rating of PG-M

heartagram69, I know that you know not to post M rated fics so I'm assuming that it is supposed to be a PG fic. If so, you can change the rating on it and repost it. ;)
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

the rating is PG i didnt mean to put the -M thats what u get from copying the header form a previous story, lol. will change it and repost
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

It would figure that the only scene we'd have gotten all season would be edited out of Thursday's ep. Why am I not surprised. Well, at least we know for certain that there are scenes while Grissom is gone. :/
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

oddly enough i found that they cut it just more proof of how strong snickers is, they cut it coz it was threatening me thinks, coz of nick n sara's chemistry and probs sexual tension, lol. they cant deny us forever though, i know in the next ep there is eye sexing, haha
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

heartagram69 said:
oddly enough i found that they cut it just more proof of how strong snickers is, they cut it coz it was threatening me thinks, coz of nick n sara's chemistry and probs sexual tension, lol. they cant deny us forever though, i know in the next ep there is eye sexing, haha

My thoughts exactly, they always do that. I bets thats why they stopped having Snickers half way through season 6 (Except for Rashomama since a couple episodes later they already planned GSR) They stopped us because they know that Sncikers is a also a very popular couple on the show and if they added some that people would want Snickers and not GSR.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

csikicksurass said:
heartagram69 said:
oddly enough i found that they cut it just more proof of how strong snickers is, they cut it coz it was threatening me thinks, coz of nick n sara's chemistry and probs sexual tension, lol. they cant deny us forever though, i know in the next ep there is eye sexing, haha

My thoughts exactly, they always do that. I bets thats why they stopped having Snickers half way through season 6 (Except for Rashomama since a couple episodes later they already planned GSR) They stopped us because they know that Sncikers is a also a very popular couple on the show and if they added some that people would want Snickers and not GSR.

I know!!! I agree with all of you, and I will try to write the fic, I've been busy, so this will be my relaxing time :D

ok and I know some Snickers is on the way, I can taste it!!... or somthing :lol:
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

i can sure taste snickers around the corner, rofl. now that grissom is gone, me thinks things are going to heat up and get very interesting.

btw new fic.

Title: Thirteen
Fandom: CSI
Characters: Nick/Sara
Prompt: #28 - Children
Word Count: 876
Rating: PG
Summary: Nick's favourite number is 13, but thank god for Sara he doesnt want that many kids. But how many do they want?
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

I agree, I reckon the writers feel that having too many Snickers scenes might overwhelm the Grissom/Sara ones.

I'm hoping things start to perk up now, we've had a complete lack of well, anything this season. With Grissom gone, Nick is the only one and I can see Sara going to for comfort. And even if she doesn't approach him, he is by far the most caring and intuitive person on the team. I can see him offering her a shoulder and an ear even if she pretends she doesn't want it. :lol:
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

CSI_Ali said:
I agree, I reckon the writers feel that having too many Snickers scenes might overwhelm the Grissom/Sara ones.
the lack of snickers scenes is just as overwhelming... did that make sense? rofl. it did in my head. as i keep barking on about, the complete lack of any nick/sara interaction what so ever, just proves how much of a threat they are to GSR. when GSR wasnt canon snickers was everywhere, but now that it is canon they have had to get rid of the snicker because of how big a threat it is.

I'm hoping things start to perk up now, we've had a complete lack of well, anything this season. With Grissom gone, Nick is the only one and I can see Sara going to for comfort. And even if she doesn't approach him, he is by far the most caring and intuitive person on the team. I can see him offering her a shoulder and an ear even if she pretends she doesn't want it. :lol:
i agree on this note too, rofl, go figure. i can see nick picking up on sara being annoyed/pissed off/upset with grissom gone, and questioning her about it, not accusingly or anything, but just caring and wanting to know if he can help. it wouldnt surprise me if sara blew him off the first time, but the second time i could see her opening up, or accepting an offer of breakfast with a friend just to talk.

apparently grissom sends sara something that upsets her. i got no idea what this could be, could be many things. could be another effing plant, that would make my year, or it could be a letter saying how good a time he is having, and not once saying he misses her or is thinking about the lab. or he could say something about how they arent working out, or he is thinking of staying, blah blah blah. and i can see nick comforting sara after that. i dunno if she would tell nick why she is upset/what gris sent, but i could see her just accepting the comfort and support. and maybe she will open up a little, and nick may make a comment like "is this bout gris?" and then sara can loose her mind and rant and rave, or she will just look at him surprised and nick can have that look, the sad smile, i will be here for you but i wish i was in the opposite position look. lol.

anyway, i think there is snickers to come!!!
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

I have to add something optimistic too. :D

Since we didn't get to see one case where they worked together (if we don't count that scene in Grissom's office), the next case will be even more stronger by it's meaning. And I don't mean the actual case, but Nick and Sara's interaction.

When you don't see someone for ages, that first meeting is so meaningful. And so it will be Snickers! :D :D :D
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