Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

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Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Hey Sissi i missed you and since i'm not big on writing i must say three cheers for that icon! :lol:

And yay new Heart fic!!!!

OMG the muppets love Snickers to. I knew Kermet saw chemistry!
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
sissi59100 that is just so funny. Laughed so hard I cried. I would have loved to see that.

i have the goddam funniest mental images right now, muppet nick n sara doing the dirty, ROFL. are muppets even anatomically correct? do they have bits?

Now I have the mental image. Scary but funny and little cute at the same time. :lol: And to answer your question no I don't think they are anatomically correct. So getting really close it like the same thing as sex. Sorry no bits for you!
ROFL HAHAHAHA "no bits for you"!!! thats insane! haha. oh well, they cun snuggle and eat fluffy snickers bars :p

sissi59100 said:
Lol i will try to find a picture of them dancing for you guys, it's really too funnybut i have to tell you that Muppet Nick doesn't look like our Nick :lol: but Muppet Sara looks like ours: pretty smart etc :p
ROFL, yeah bring on the muppet snicker pics!!!

hé it could be a nice title for our next thread "Muppet Nick and Muppet Sara are doign the dirty" :devil:
oh god, ROFL, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thats goddam hillarious, or snickers = fluffy muppet sex, HAHAHAHAHA

Ilovechocolate said:
OMFG!!!!! Muppet Sara and Muppet Nick dancing!!!!

YEY!!! Snickers is taking over the world!!!!
sure is, they will be dictators and make everyone eat snickers and watch them doing it, HAHA

heartagram69 said:
ilovechocolate i wonder who made the trailer, be interesting, if it was just the local station its still good, but if it was TPTB thats :D. would you happen to know?

The trailer was made by Sony, the TV station, which surprise me cause they never showed a trailer like that before...
awesome.. interesting... maybe george and jorja snuck in and made the trailer :lol: or maybe the makers are snickers, WOOT, more snickers in high posittion, haha.

csikicksurass said:
And yay new Heart fic!!!!
yeah, will be more later tonight :p dont forget to leave a comment over at LJ, i live on them haha
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

wow even the muppet really can see the chemistry between nick and sara, and hi sissi and yeah show us the picture i think it will really rock this boat and go sailing once more like a speed of light.
hé it could be a nice title for our next thread "Muppet Nick and Muppet Sara are doign the dirty"
i agree it will be a nice thread name
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

*iz in heaven with Lala's fic overdose* I still love you for claiming Nick and Sara at those fanfiction communities. :D

Sissi! Welcome back, my dear! :D Muppet show!!! *starts liking the French more and more and more* I can't wait to see that! I hope you can find us a screencap or even better, the whole episode! I like the idea for the threadname and Lala, "snickers = fluffy muppet sex" OMGROFL. :lol:

Oooh, totally forgot: welcome, btw, newbie!

JUST DO IT ALREADY! You know they look totally like a couple in that pic.

Sooner or Later = updated! >> Chapter 11. Reviews are love.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

mariel said:
"snickers = fluffy muppet sex" OMGROFL. :lol:
LMAO. I love it! We should definitely use that one :lol:

sissi! *huggles* Hey girl, I had the cutest mental image of muppet Nick and Sara dancing.. so thank you! Seems like the rest of the world is seeing snickers lol.. except for tptb. At least the muppet world sees it. :D and apparently also Sony, Ilovechocolate's network. They're promoting sexual tension and shows snickers... that's just perfect.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

girls love all the fics...
mariel so true the look like a real couple in that pic...
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

I'm still here, heart. I'm just lurker. I wish I could do Snickers scernio or whatever the word is.

I wondering how you want Nick to find out about Sara got involves with somebody, (I can't said here.) Will he tell somebody or he won't? Sara trust Nick not to tell anybody because he doesn't want his Sara to get fired by Ecklie.

Be nice and no bashing.

Remember fifth season, after the break up. Nick hasn't be happy for a while and Sara hasn't been happy because she doesn't have her boy with her. Greg make her smile but he's not Nick. Nick is the only one can make Sara happy.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

NicknGrissom said:
I'm still here, heart. I'm just lurker. I wish I could do Snickers scernio or whatever the word is.
you can, everyone can, and i welcome to join in.

if you are worried about english not being your mother tongue, you dont have to write much, just a few sentences will do!!! have i go, please... for me :p

btw all new snicker smut is prompt #54 - Self-Love

enjoy and comments=Love

edited to remove link to fanfic rated over PG-13
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

All right, I will do it for you. I will try my best.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Wow i have alot of reading to do ;)

I dont think Nick wouldn't tell anyone. Secret things are more sexxy and when she needs to talk about it she would have to go Nick.
Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin


I'm sure Nick won't tell anybody...he's a gentleman and the only person he will talk about it, it will be Sara...but who knows? maybe he will be so much hurt that he'll tell Warrick about it, wanting an advice...

Ok, this thread was in the page 2, so I had to write something!!!

Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin

Wow we were on page 2. I'm not sure I understand what we are saying. Is it that Nick wouldn't tell anybody about Sara being with someone else or when he is with sara he wouldn't tell anyone about them? Sorry that I'm confused. ;) Just need a little help every once in awhile.
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