Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Elsie have a safe trip with your sister. We'll keep your nicky lap chair warm for you :).

I had a dream last night that I actually remember and it was about Nick. I was looking at screen caps of him from a talk show and he was wearing an open neck shirt. But what was different about this was he had some chest hair showing. Now we'll get in to the debate of whether he shaves or waxes. I think it's natural.

Some more random Nickiness while we wait on NSF2
the debonaire look
forget Bond we have George
safe trip Elsie
something nice to stare at
another easy on the eyes yes I know when isn't he easy on the eyes :)
I'm thinking he either waxes or had electrolisis <spelling?>. I mean...there's that shot of him in the bathtub from Savannah where his arm pits are rather hairy, so how come the "rest" of him isn't?? Hmmm....
Good Morning Ladies :D

I won?! cool, thanks Softcake :D cool I'm glad you thought those were funny, yeah that theme was fun :lol:

funny I knew if the power went out i'd win the theme :lol:

ok I was MIA yesterday, becouse it snowed up to my knees and now we're (by we're I meam mom, pop, two siblings) stuck... now we're snowed into our house untill like Wed. :eek: and the power went out, came back on at like 1:00 am, my mom and I got up, made a bunch of food just in case, and well, we're just waiting it out.
oh and by up to my knees, I'm 5' 10" tall,so it's a lot of snow :eek:

ok onto my theme idea :D since I'm hopeing that all will go well, and in the case I am not able to pic a winner becouse of the power going out again (prays it does not) I want the first runner up to choose the winner to my theme for me :D

ok my theme, is... since I had so much fun with softcakes theme, I want pics of Nick or George where it looks like he might be singing a song or hearing music, it can be any song, just put a couple lyrics in the title :D max is 12 pics, and I will hope fully pic a winner by tonight :D

and I hope Ya'll can understand it :D and thanks again Softcake

ok see ya'll later :D
Oh I'm in Washington State, in the north, it is nutty over here!

and I know a guy, he has hair on his arms, under his arms, but his back and chest are hairless, so I think George is naturaly smooth skinned :D and I'm glad becouse I hate hairy chests!
Snow!! :eek: I'm 5 ft. 10, too - and that is a lot of snow! I already start to wish we had some. It's way too warm in Germany for late November, temperature is about 19 degrees Celsius...

Good to see you back, km :) And elsie have a nice trip and don't forget to bring us some gifts! ;)

On to the theme pics. Nice idea, nsf2 we should have fun with this.

sings "There is nothing for me but to looooove you, and the way you look tonight....*
*humming along with the tune while focusing on the rythm* :D
"The itsy bitsy spider...."
"It's fun to stay at the Y..M...C...A...." Couldn't resist, the pornstache just does those things to me :lol:
"I always feel like somebody's watching me...and I have no privacy..."
"I'm on a Highway to hell"

Whoa, that was more difficult than I thought :)

Oh, btw I think he shaves his chest. Waxing is too painful for guys :) When you look at the surfer pics you can see dark hair below his belly button, so his chest should be a little hairy as well... :devil:
Morning ya'all. Thanks for letting me have Nicky for part of the weekend. Sorry for the delay in returning him. **Tosses Nicky back into the Ward for the next gal who needs him**
Congrats to NSF2 -- heard ya'all had alot of snow in the northwest. We had an unusually warm day (like 70 F) yesterday -- put up the outside Christmas lights and it seemed too early and too warm.
Safe travel Elsie!
Hey km!
Okay, I think that about covers it for now. I'm at work but maybe later when I get home I'll have time to submit something for the very interesting theme!
Here in the Toronto area it's warm for the end of November. In western Canada they getting temps in the -20C range. Toooo cold for my liking. The weather forecasters are saying we in the Toronto area will see subzero temps and snow before Christmas. Brrr just thinking about it

Here are my attempt at the theme pics
Rubber Ducky you're the one
I'm singing in the rain
I've been working on the railroad
Me and my shadow
Tea for two and two for tea
Oh Mandy you came into my life oh Mandy :)couldn't resist

On the chest front as I said earlier I think it's natural. If George did shave or wax wouldn't he have done the whole front and remove the nice little tail. I remember reading somewhere that he does shave the armpits to help reduce sweating.

softcake thanks for the YMCA pic and thought. Now when I hear that song all I'll think about is Nick. Not a bad thought though. :p
Yes, here in the northwest we had a lot of snow. I didn't have quite up to the knee but I did get a good foot of show. Luckily I have not lost power like NSF (maybe because I live within walking distance to a hospital they make sure we have power). Several of my co-workers lost their power, and one got snowed in, I was calling around at O dark thirty this morning trying to get someone to fill in for her. Let me try this theme.

Is this what you had in mind?

"I'm too sexey for my shirt"

Maybe more later, I need to get some shut eye. After a 13 hour night, I think I deserve something, what with the very busy night then ER calling me in the middle of the end of shift rush for cloths to put on a snow man.
Ok...I need to borrow Nick again for tonight's training class. This time we're doing an intro to Crime Scene Investigation. we know anyone that might be able to help with that?? :D

I wish our CSI's looked like the ones from Vegas. They're not bad, but man, they sure don't have the personalities of Warrick and Nick!
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