NFL - National Football League

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Yep, I'm all about the Colts! Me and my cousin are going to have a battle royale over that game next weekend! :lol: I think it's going to be a good one.
My Chargers are out, the Schottenheimer playoff curse continues. Heres to the Bears and the Colts making it to the Superbowl.
^^^ Here here! I'm glad the Pats made it this far to make it interesting, but it's time they went DOWWWWWWNNNNN! :p
I for one am really impressed in how the Saints are doing. Although I'm not a Saints fan personally, I go to college in Louisiana (my home however is in Texas) and that's all they're talking about down here. They've even made Facebook groups about their playoff run. And I remember a few years ago they didn't give two craps about them. Hmmm...
I just don't get it. The Seahawks were in perfect field goal range & all they needed was 3 points to win the game. If they went for the field goal there was virtually no way for the Bears to win as there was barely any time left. But nope, they went for a touchdown which cost them their game & their season :(. Anyhoo....

GOOO COLTS! I refuse to cheer for a team like the Pats. I just can't. They're like the Manchester United of the NFL. The Saints are my second choice & I'm iffy about the bears as they are the team who knocked my Seahawks out :(.
Oh MY GAWD! This Bears game is killing me! I can't handle this kind of pressure... :eek:

C'mon Bears! :D
BIG YIPEE :D. they won 39/14 ;)
SUPER BOWL here we come.. and go COLTS as well
Yeah! This Superbowl is going to ROCK! Except now I have to cheer for the Colts! :lol:

Man that Pats/Colts game was amazing. I was so tense for the last half... I may have an ulcer now! :eek:

That Colts game was incredible, although I must say that the Saints' loss is kind of sad. They had a good thing going.
The Bears game was great. I am thrilled for the Colts and their amazing come from behind victory. It's going to be a terrific Superbowl but I have to go with the Bears.
I usually don't watch but I am this year. I really am not sure who to cheer for lol I'm an Indiana native but now in the Chicago 'burbs. Although I'm leaning toward the Bears lol.
I'm just so happy that the COLTS FINALLY got to the SUPERBOWL!
did I tell you how much of a Peyton Manning fan I am?

and I'm sure William Petersen is happy the Bears are heading to the Superbowl as well...

this should be a really really good game :D

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