'New York' Goes Bungee Jumping In 'People With Money'

screamingpoet said:
I still like it, though, the same way I like kids before they learn to talk.


What I'm hoping is that this is the writers realizing that not everyone is loving this new inconsistancy in some of the characters. Could this distract from the forced DL?
I'm sure it could. The new detective will no doubt be a B-plot character, but she could add some angst and character development to the show. Maybe she'll be Mac's love interest or some such, although I can't see him with anyone but Stella.
If this new detective takes over Flack's screentime or becomes a potential Flack love interest out of nowhere I will scream.

Because I want to see some post-bomb Angst!Flack, damnit! :mad:
I feel the exact same way. I don't want TPTB to drop the bomb storyline as quickly as they dropped Danny's brother after RSRD. I mean, Danny's brother was in a coma and not once since has Louie been mentioned or has Danny gone to visit him. *frowns* I definitely want to see Flack reacting to what happened to him emotionally.

And as for the new detective... I don't want her to become a potential love interest because I live in my Flack/Lindsay bubble and I'm happy there, kthnx. And I definitely don't want her taking away Flack's screentime -- if that happened I'd probably have to smack a writer.
Season two was Danny's. I don't think the writers would want to make S3 Danny's as well. Yes, I felt that the D/L ship is forced .. heck, even the actors have a hard time acting it out.

I'm craving for more Flack. Not just coz he's hot and all that -- he's left hanging in S2 and now it's his time to get the screentime and the background story.
I don't really see how they could have a relationship between Flack and this new detective unless they changed the format of the show or had a lot of unnecessary non-case-related scenes because have we ever seen two detectives working the same case? If they wanted to do a relationship there, it would take too much time out of the story. True, the writers have taken too much time out for the D/L flirting as it is, but at least it's during the course of solving the case (mostly--I won't even go into the unnecessary 'make tracks cowboy' scene :rolleyes:). How many times could Flack and this girl just happen to be in the lab waiting for a CSI at the same time? For all that Flack's in the opening credits, we haven't really seen anything of him outside of the case at hand. Even in that episode with the leeches, it only showed him at his desk so that we could see the dude bring in the gun. "The Fall" showed him talking to Moran, etc. because it was relevant to the show. We've yet to see him riding the subway, making out with someone while surrounded by creepy-ass paintings, or sitting in a church/standing by Ground Zero. It would be nice to get some more Flack-screentime, and the writers are probably well aware of how popular that would be, but so far they seem to be concentrating on the actual CSIs (with the notable exception of Hawkes, who gets next-to-no love on the show :(). And personally, I'd hate to see the writers finally make time for Flack...because he's seeing another main character. :rolleyes: That would probably just piss me off. The scene at the end of "Heroes" can't be the only time that these people hang out away from work. I mean, surely Flack has a friend or two (like, oh I dunno, Danny maybe), or maybe even a family (*gasp* what on earth is that? Do the characters on these shows have one of those?). Hell, does he have an annoying neighbor who's always trying to get him to mediate in their family disputes? I'd like to see that instead, thank-you-very-much.

From the fact that the new detective is (supposedly) going to work with Danny and Hawkes, I get the feeling that, if there's any flirting going on, it'll start there. Even if the writers don't plan on pursuing a relationship between her and one of the guys, I don't think they could resist making them flirt. ;) Besides, knowing the way the writers are, if any of the guys are flirting, it's Danny. :p

In any case, she probably won't take any more screentime than any other detective-who's-not-Flack has on the show. She'll probably work the A-case sometimes while Flack does the B-case, but that's happened before so...I think I'm more concerned with the quality of Flack's scenes than the quantity at this point, you know?

But wouldn't we all feel like dorks if it turned out that this new detective woman wasn't even going to be on the show after all? :lol:
But wouldn't we all feel like dorks if it turned out that this new detective woman wasn't even going to be on the show after all?

And after doing all this talking about how we hope she doesn't screw up the screentime for Flack, and disrupt the hopeful relationships between characters? XD

I'd feel like a dork.
I'm always a bit hostile at first when new characters come to view. I am so against CSI turning into a soap. New characters almost immediately means pairings. Before, it was okay -- coz it was just the fans pushing for ships and such.

But lately, TPTB are pushing and shoving for their own flow on the ships.
The new detective could be a one-shot character--how many detectives have we seen come and go? Vicaro, Thacker, that Italian-American guy (Detective Prada :lol: ), Maka...I doubt she's coming in to replace Flack.

What I do think she's being brought in to do is possibly to flirt with Danny and tank the wretched Danny/Lindsay "flirting" once and for all, and to that I say, thank goodness! :D No matter who they bring in, they could not possibly find an actress with less chemistry with Carmine than Anna has, considering Carmine has had good chemistry with just about every other woman he's encountered on the show (Stella, Maka, Aiden, the girl on the train, etc.). I could be wrong, but the fact that she's working with Danny and Hawkes is interesting.
Top41 said:
The new detective could be a one-shot character--how many detectives have we seen come and go? Vicaro, Thacker, that Italian-American guy (Detective Prada :lol: ), Maka...I doubt she's coming in to replace Flack.

I would love to see Vicaro again!

What I do think she's being brought in to do is possibly to flirt with Danny and tank the wretched Danny/Lindsay "flirting" once and for all, and to that I say, thank goodness!

I will second that and applaud the writers for admitting error and fixing that particular time wasting affectation of season two. This will really be a painless way to flush all thoughts of that "flirting" away for the last time. However, everything that went unsaid between Danny and Lindsay in the season finale was an excellent way to put the kibosh on that nonsense once and for all, but some reinforcement would be a great thing indeed.

:D No matter who they bring in, they could not possibly find an actress with less chemistry with Carmine than Anna has, considering Carmine has had good chemistry with just about every other woman he's encountered on the show (Stella, Maka, Aiden, the girl on the train, etc.). I could be wrong, but the fact that she's working with Danny and Hawkes is interesting.

It is interesting that she is working with Danny and Hawkes the placement makes me more than a little suspicious about her purpose, which along with her being seemingly clearly thought out by the writers and producers.

Considering Anna is the only actress that has ever lacked chemistry with Carmine, and I'm including suspects, the chances are great that Jennifer Angell's portrayer will have more than enough.

*more trivia*
Someone else who was in Black Hawk Down was Gabriel Casseus, who played Jerald Brown in the episode "Officer Blue." And he was also apparently in an episode of The Handler (a show Hill Harper and Anna Belknap were on). Everybody is just connected on these shows, aren't they? ;)
Vicaro is awesome! I wish he'd come back. There does seem to be somewhat of a revolving door with the detectives on CSI: NY. Except with Flack, of course. ;)