New World Order: Conspiracy Theory ( & A Whole Lot More)

baba even the educated voters during the 2000 elections were dumbed when Bush ended up claiming victory though Gore had obviouly won! it isnt only about education because in the end, the one with the most money will win, not the one with the most university degrees on his wall.
Yes, there were mistakes that time, but that's not always the case. I stand by my comments. Education is key. The smarter the voter, the less likely they are to sit back and allow that to happen. Sadly, the intellects are not the majority in the US right now.
Oh I don't deny that education is important, I just don't believe that it will be able to do much, I mean I've been researching NWO for over 3 years now, and as much as I try to educate others abotu it, it seems the fear takes over and they ignore it or are too afraid to speak more about it. So its not always about whose educated, its mostly about who is more powerful.
OK, but what's your plan then? How can all this be overcome? You must have a theory as to how all this can be stopped/prevented?

Edited to add: And maybe educating people about the NWO is not the tack to take. After all, it really is only a theory until you can prove it. Wouldn't it be better to give people the facts and let them make up their own minds? You gotta admit, "conspiracy theories" are rarely taken seriously.
I agree with Baba about the education.

When you grow up with in a family with a certain views, you will adapt the same wiews and unless you learn to understand things happening around you and learn to ask questions and accept there can be other views or ways... you may change your way of voting.

I grew up in a family where The Centre Party is strong. Last two years have educated me to see things from different angles, yet still nothing takes my vote away from that party :p

When you are uneducated about the social science part, you just vote what your parents tell you to or because "it's in" or "my friends do that".

I had lots of friends who voted for Green's Party because "it's cool"

Not everyone care about social science and politics but you have to teach kids that you don't have to go into the politics, but you need to understand that you go to vote... and the voting has affect to how your country will be and it may affect to little things in your life, since despite the fact YOU DON*T CARE ABOUT THE POLITICS, they make the law and decisions. Does the milk include tax or is it taxfree? etc.
Well that's the thing, not alot of people are willing to risk their lives for the cause. Can you blame them? Most people would be happy with a nice pay check at the end of the month and an average Joe kind of lifestyle... not being someone threatened for speaking out the truth about all this controversy and exposing the lies of corrupt governments. If you can find one of those people then that's where it starts. Yes, Baba education plays a role here, there's the fact that this person would hve to use every method possible to ensure that people get his/her message.
The thing is, I don't know if it can be stopped... and most people would say that theres nothing you can do to stop powerful world leaders, and since you can't do that, why scare people like that, why not let them enjoy the fews years of their lives that they have left before this NWO stuff really sinks in? And I sympathize with that really, but what if there is something we can do... why not start spreading the information, why not tell people about the dangers involved in certain of their daily activities (its even gone as far as drinking Diet Coke... the way aspartame slowly kills you or leaves you with most of the 90 symptoms that come from consuming it.). You can save some lives.
Its alot more complicated than that and I'm aware of that, its just that it really would be a shame to sit back and watch things fall apart knowign you could have helped atleast one person. Either way you're going to die, or be killed, why not die knowing you were doing something to benefit mankind? Why not try a little harder to see things outside your own little circle?
I can't disagree with your ambitions, roka. I do think you have the right idea, even if I don't necessarily buy into all of your theories. Your end point is still valid to me.

I just think it's important what we teach kids... and people in general, really. My theory is that it's more important to have people learning to question everything. The theories and info you have are all very interesting and I'm certain there are a lot of facts to be found within them, but I really think it's more important to be an active learner; that is, don't take everything you hear at face value. Learn to filter, and to integrate, not assimilate. And when I'm teaching, that includes questioning what I'm saying to them as well (although they better have a good argument to put forth! :lol: )

Again, as important as you may think your arguments are, there's someone else out there who thinks his argument is the right one, and who's to say who's right? That's where education comes in. People need to learn how to take what they hear and figure out what it all really means.
Unfortunately, to more easily influence your people, you usually need to keep them dumbed down.
Oh Baba, that is unfortunately true. I earned my degree in Political Science. I love studying political systems, and nothing makes me sadder than people who say they are going to vote because candidate X is so handsome or pretty. It's like, excuse me, what about his or her platform. Do you agree with that? Do you even know what that is? I don't know. I also have a problem with all the initiatives here in California. People just watch the 15-second commercials, and don't even take the time to actually read the initiative itself. What's up with that?

As for the statements that have been put forth, I think we've all forgotten that the US was not the only country attacked. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bali, England, and Spain were also attacked. In Italy, they found a tunnel under the American embassy where terrorists were planning to utilize biological weapons. Embassies from other countries have been attacked as well. Do you really think that just the Americans or citizens of whatever embassy was attacked were going to be injured or killed. No, an attack will injure and affect the citizens housing that particular embassy. It's not just the US going it alone, or being singled out.
Baba you're absolutely right there, I have learned to question everything. When I first heard about it, I thought it was just another trick some anti-government idiot made up to scare people and start some revolution. But as time went by I began to see the reality behind all the accusations thrown at people that believe in the NWO. Of course I am not here to throw my beliefs on others, nor to say that if you don't believe in this you're ignorant and should burn in hell :lol:. I'm just sharing the information I have, if people agree, great. If not, it would be nice to discuss why they don't believe in it. I'm sure everyone will always believe that they are right and they have the most perfect and sincere views, but i'm not here to argue or claim that i'm 100% right. I just want to get what I learned across to people in hopes of clearing things up. I can easily understand that half the theories are unbelievable, I'm open to everyone's opinions though. :)

prettyeyes, you're right about that, the country housing the embassy would be harmed as well, no doubt about that. It happens in Iraq everyday when some suicide bombers try to kill the American soldiers, they end up damaging their own land and killing their own people. So it's obviously something these people either don't care about or think is worth the outcome. But either way, the target intended was American... and it comes from a history of anger and rage towards the American government for its war crimes worldwide and its support for israel. Its too much of a sensitive subject and i understand if you'd all rather not get into that, but it is reality and we do need to face that and find a way to put an end to the terrorism from BOTH sides.
I'm not certain it's always America that's the target so much as Western values. I mean, there were those trains in Spain, the London bombings... we just stopped a huge attempt that was going to go down here, in Toronto...

While I am absolutely not a fan of George Dubya and his pals, he's not the only dull pencil in the world's pencil case. ;)
I probably won't be to much in on this conversation here, but someone was nice enough to quote a previous post of mine and there has been a little bit of false historical information here that I really should clear up. (Kind of a hobby of mine.)

As far as President Bush knowing when and where an attack would come, its absolutely ridiculous. There just wasn't enough strong intel to point to anything solid. could we have been better prepared, of course, but that is hindsight. And as we know its always 20/20.

As for President Roosevelt knowing about the Pearl Harbor attack. That is ridiculous as well. The President simply put a policy in practice that if there was to be a war, Japan should make the first move. (So that if they didn't war would be delayed, possibly even averted.) Intelligence at the time pointed to a possible attack in February or March of 1942 and most likely somewhere in the Phillipines. They definately did not know that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor in early December of 1941.

I'm not really all that into a lot of politics. They really just kinda bug me. But I do not like when historical facts are revised or spun to fit any kind of agenda. I consider myself an Independent thinker. Sometimes I lean right other times I'm more of a Centrist.

Oh and if you hadn't realized it yet...I'm completely obsessed with American History.
Okay KimAZ, why would you say that President Bush having knowledge of the attacks is ridiculous? It wasn't something made up, it has been supported and here's the evidence right here:

August 6,2001 "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike Inside US."

August 6,2001, Presidential Daily Brief (PDB): "Al-Qaida members -including some who are US citizens-have resided in or traveled to the US for years, and th group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks. Two al-Qaida members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb our Embassies in East Africa were US citizens, and a senior EIJ member lived in California in the mid-1990s. A clandestine source said in 1998 that a Bin Ladin cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks. We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ... [redacted portion]...service in 1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of 'Blind Shaykh' Umar Abd al-Rahman and other US-hel extremists. Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York."

Another article states:

"The Aug. 6,2001 document, known as the President's Daily Brief, has been the focus of intense scrutiny because it reported that bin Laden advocated airplane hijackings, that al-Qaida supporters were in the United States and that the group was planning attacks here." Clarke J. Scott, "Clarke Gave Warning on Sept. 4, 2001; Testimony Includes Apology to Families of Sept.11 Victims," Associated Press, March 25, 2004.

If you would like to see the briefing for yourself, take a look at this link

Okay, and what did President Bush do on August 6,2001? He went fishing.

SOURCE: "President Bush swung into vacation mode Monday, fishing for bass in his pond, strolling the canyons on his 1,600-acre ranch, taking an early morning run." Associated Press, "President Bush Vacationing in Texas," August 6,2001.

As for Roosevelt having no knowledge prior to the Pearl Harbor attacks, I’m not one to refer to a site that anyone could have written, if it isn’t information straight from government officials, I refuse to believe that it can be the whole truth. Unfortunately I left the documents I have in my other apartment, and for that reason I would have to give you this link to refer to which states some of what was written in my other documents. I do not blame you if this is not enough or if to you it seems to be an unreliable article. But for now it is all I have and again, it is very similar to the documents that I have in my apartment. It should do for now.

Baba, no it is not only America that is a “target for terrorism”, that was not what I meant to say. I meant that America is blamed for almost any damage that happens in the Middle East because of its support for israel. Then there are those “Muslims” that would go around and kill just about anyone that doesn’t believe what they believe in, and if you ask me that is the most idiotic thing they can do. But that is the reason they attacked Spain and London and the other countries they have attacked over the years. Sometimes it is a warning, or so they say, that any country that calls them terrorists will be demolished (haha) or that they kill all these people to show that they are powerful and can do whatever they please “in the name of Allah.” Bullcrap. If you’re going to be a Muslim you might as well do things the right way and not kill civilians. So yes, Baba Bush is not the only bad pencil :lol:, in fact, he sure as hell got a lot of others that almost make him look angelic ;)
The disaster at Pearl Harbor was much more due to the horrible cooperation between Army and Navy intelligence than anything else. They were too relaxed, and they did not expect an attack until early '42. I'm terribly sorry but it is absolutely ridiculous to say that anybody could fully have prevented that, or that anybody in the U.S. could have possibly wanted that.

As for 9/11. Was the Bush administration partially to blame? Sure. But even more blame can be placed on the Clinton administration. They did the worst screwing up by not getting bin Laden any of the times they had a chance to. The Bush administration was simply naive to the threat, and after only being in office 8 months, couldn't possibly have done enough to fully prevent the attack.

Sometimes you have to look at the events in history and figure that they were just meant to be. Sometimes thats just the way it goes.

But I guess I can't expect anyone to take my word for it. I know how much I've read into it, but no one here knows for sure.
Plus, warning or no warning, I doubt they could have predicted the events down to the day they happened, not to mention how they pulled it off... I do think that all the security measures they have in place now are obviously a day late and a dollar short but still- Intelligence agencies in all their spooky all-knowingness (probably mostly thanks to experience in Black Ops and western espionage) obviously still can't know everything. I think sometimes we put too much stock in their capacity for prediction. And I know that "intelligence" is often considered any oxymoron when coupled with the federal security agencies. And then there's Bush himself... ;)
Kim you were saying that they wanted Japan to make the first move right? which means they had expected something bad to come out of Japan - what makes you think it was impossible that they saw this attack coming to begin with? Don't mean to burst your bubble but when you say that it is ridiculous that anyone would have been able to prevent that or want that to happen, we need to remember that there are governments all over the world that are corrupt and do not put the interest of the people first. (i'm not picking on the US, every country has its own problems with its government).. so it IS believable that a government would let something like that happen.
I'm not one to deny that Clinton could have done MUCH more to rid the world of Bin Laden... maybe he could have. And I am not insulting you or your education in any way, I actually appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us in this thread, but as you know we all see things differently, so I do hope you're not taking this in a way that I am not believing that you have studied this in depth. Its just that I sincerely believe that governments are capable and willing to harm the citizens of their country for any reason they have. It is not difficult for me to understand that when a government screws up, that the haven't much to regret or feel bad about.
And maybe they don't know the exact day, but when you get a PDB like Bush did, if you were a rational human being capable and worthy of being the president of such a nation as the US, you would do a whole lot more than going fishing :) No I don't expect them to know EVERYTHING, but they do have the ability to prevent certain things from happening and they choose not to, for whatever reasons they have got. In the end, its the civilians that pay for everyone's mistakes.