My review of this episode, Thank goodness for notebooks~ Interesting and as always many twists and turns.
Nick, Doc and Brass discovering the dead boy, what happend and why" dried blood under his nails, find a compass, pocket knife, music and snacks, like he was going on a trip, and Nick says to Doc on remebering being 14, and Doc goes what did you want to be at that age"? Nick goes "15", and the music starts~
Greg and Ray going over Will's computer and finding a site about old mines and ghost towns in and around Las Vegas~
Cath interogating Will's mom, mom didn't check on him when she came home from work~ She was stunned of course~
Mr. Lieferd the libriarian, interogated by Ray who insinuated he might be a pedophile, but he wasn't~
Nick with Mason, Wills friend, and Sara with the other one Her sharing her memories growing up "If I had of had a magic potion to make me grow older faster" He pukes, she suspects Tequila "A Tequila man huh Steve"~
Hodges finds green fibers from a 1970's cadillac.. Archie on the computer finds a name "blackchip"~
Wendy to Nick "blood under Will's nails came for a prison guy named Simon Rose, who was still incarcerated, and couldn't have had anything to do with this
He was found guilty of murdering his wife Samantha, but still claimed his innocence and his attorney got on TV and said the blood was another frame up, yada-yada-yada~
Sara with the team [lordie she's pretty] talking about this old crime and Ray asking questions~
One insight, I was wondering about through this ep. was how they worked with Grissom their beloved boss and mentor, for 9 years but never bring him up, like "I sure miss him" or "I wonder what Grissom would think or do" It's as if the writers have just brushed him under the rug like he never existed
Warrick as well
Sara does bring him up on ocassion but very briefly. But they have all embraced Dr. Ray entirely and made him such a part of their team, and how he fits with them like a glove
Sara on the blood under the boys nails, someone is setting this up Cath goes "by putting blood under his nails"? Sara: "I wouldn't put it past them"
Ray goes to see Simon in prison and while waiting for him some low-life goes "Raymond Langston" He goes "Nate Haskell says Hello"
Ray looks all perplexed [who the H is Nate Haskell]? the serial killer? Simon does have a cut on his neck and starts babbling and Ray goes "shut up and drop your pants" Such a Grissom line:lol:
Brass with the attorney Lynn, who still maintains her clients innocence and goes "what kind of a monster would do this to a kid"? Brass goes "the same kind of monster who killed Samatha Rose" good one Jim~
Sara goes to the central evidence vault, chats with old buddy George and looks at evidence they chit-chat and as she's leaving spots the green cadillac in the parking lot. She find that the boy had been in the trunk and, George cops it was an accident, Will fell
Nick and Ray at the same place going over it all and baffled by it all. They sure have a great working camradeire as always such good working partners. Nick: "what was he doing here?~
Cath with the mom again and making her feel pressured, because Will's dad had given her $10,000, while drunk and tells Cath if your not going to arrest me "then get the hell out of my house"
Archie finds that will had hidden in the sofa to get in the evidence vault. Ray "Trojan horse, Trojan sofa" and that "he's so smart and a brave kid, wasted on a fools errand" And the blood was sea bass "to bless the Trojan voyage" good lines, Dr. Langston~
Brass talks to Mason's dad and he had used his computer. They find him almost dead. And the attorneys card on his dresser:cardie:
Lynn confesses to Brass that Mason had tried to extort $$$ form her in a parking lot, and she told him to get lost but gave him $200 buckos~
The 3 boys had partied in a vacant house and left things behind started fire. The went to Will [Steve and Mason and asked him what to do~
The got the wrong house it was the #for Samatha Rose, now I'm really confused
Ray and Sara go to burning house they find Steve, Sara drags him out and yells "Dr. Ray come on" he stays behind to retrieve a $$$ for evidence. This part is cloudy and murky for me Steve wacked Mason over the head cause he wanted to blackmail Lynn for more dough. Steve "Will was trying to save us" and all you care about is the money" I still don't get the connections with the 3 boys and the jail bird Simon
why did Will sneak into that wherehouse?
Last scene with Nicky find a iPod and watching the 3 boys in happier days riding their bicycles and having fun, before everything turned so horribly dark and wrong.. sad and poignant