Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

I agree about him being a good father. That picture is absolutely to die for, so to speak.

Wonderful wallpaper of Ryan. Love it.
Hello! I'm new to this thread :) I've never watched Greg but I've seen many pics and I'm obsessed with Ryan so I thought I'd come in here. I need to watch Las Vegas sometime and see if I get hooked on Greg too.
oh you don't have to "see if you get hooked on greg too" because i can tell you now. you will. AMAZING!!!that's all that i can say about that.
well im going to have to disagree with you there. he is amazing but im more of a ryan is the ultimate cutie type girl but i respect your decision
CSI_mad, you don't seem to be catching on. This will be my last informal warning. Please add some substance to your posts or I'm gonna have to call you on spamming.
In my opinion, Greg is more of the cute type, while Ryan seems more handsome. I think it's only so because of the maturity levels shown. Not to say that Greg isn't mature. :D
Ryan does seem a bit more mature, but I think in certain situations he can be too serious. A few times in a couple of episodes I thought there could have been funny parts added or a joke, but no!

And Greg.... well, he is just a lot of fun. But he has wised up and matured as well since becoming a CSI. His hair is looking awfully hot, don't you agree?
i think for me it's more of that i like ryan to the max but if he had SOME of greggo's personality instead of always wanting to get things done now. like less serious more relaxed i could absolutly throw myself at him more then i would now. hey csi is on...i didn't know that. yay!!! i get to watch greggo. im out time to get serious.
Catlover160281 said:
Here is a picture I just made, its a twist on one I did before ;) oh and this is my second post here so Hi to everyone ;)
that's cool what you did w/ the second pic. :p
AND. welcome.
X05 I always see your avatar and i always mean to tell you i think that picture is amazing it makes me giggle everytime i see it. but i haven't told you yet. so now i have. i feel better haha. but really that's like the "are you nuts" look i love it.