NCIS #4: *Slap* Nobody Likes A Smartass

Source: TvGuide

Do you have any non-Tiva scoop on NCIS?

ADAM: Looks like Director Vance's tough year is about to get even tougher. I'm hearing that he will have to work closely with the Army's equivalent of NCIS to protect a high-ranking foreign diplomat from terrorist threats at a treaty signing. When things don't go as planned, NCIS takes the heat, including a dressing-down for Vance from a State Department bigwig.
I've probably asked at least one of these questions before, but does anyone know what the name of these episodes are?

1) The episode where Tony and Ziva are protecting some guy. Two men come through separate doors to try to kill him, and Ziva shoots both of them simultaneously while on the phone with Gibbs.

2) The team is protecting a witness named Jerry who profiles the team about different things. (Such as Ziva liking Tony, Abby still liking McGee, and Gibbs still missing his wife.)
You did but it's okay.

1) The episode where Tony and Ziva are protecting some guy. Two men come through separate doors to try to kill him, and Ziva shoots both of them simultaneously while on the phone with Gibbs.
First answered But I will repeat it here for anyone else interested.

I believe the ep your asking about is 6x20 "Dead Reckoning"?
Apparently the guy is a geeky kind of accountant, and they are guarding him until the safe house is compromised which Ziva see's when returning with the accountants medication, she tells Tony and Tony takes the guy into another room to protect him and Ziva gets into the apartment before they two killers come in and when they do Ziva shoots them with her back up gun and service revolver.

2) The team is protecting a witness named Jerry who profiles the team about different things. (Such as Ziva liking Tony, Abby still liking McGee, and Gibbs still missing his wife.)
Okay this is a recent one I believe your asking about, are you thinking 8x10 "False Witness"? <-- That link will take you to a site with a full summery of the episode to see if it is the one your looking for. :)

Hope this helps. ;)
I actually managed to remember it, but you had already answered. *gives self dope slap*

Thanks for the help!
Source: TvGuide -- Ask Matt: NCIS Without Gibbs?

Question: In many of my favorite shows (NCIS, etc.), there have been contract issues and in some cases instances where lead actors and actresses decide to leave the show. I feel like if one main character left, then it would end the show in some sort of way. What do the cast members and directors do when a lead character leaves the show? An example: What if Mark Harmon or Ellen Pompeo left NCIS or Grey's? Grey's Anatomy is named after Meredith Grey, whom Ellen portrays, and NCIS would be nothing without Gibbs. And what if this was really to happen in the future? Would production of the TV show stop or would they try with what they have (other main characters and crew) and keep the show going as long as possible?

Matt Roush: As usual, it really depends on the particular show and how desperately the network (and/or studio) needs to keep it around. The best example I can think of is the original CSI continuing without its team leader, Gil Grissom (William Petersen) — which may or may not have been a good idea, depending on how devoted one is to the show and to the remaining cast members. It's pretty clear the Grissom-less CSI is a diminished series (though it's still the best of the franchise), but the still has value to CBS on Thursdays, which is why it didn't fold tent after the star left. If either NCIS or Grey's lost its leads (and I don't think either scenario is very likely, especially where Harmon is concerned), it would be a serious blow, but it's possible the networks would try to keep them around for a bit longer. Grey's has Lexie to fall back on, but who would want to see her POV on a weekly basis? (It would reek of latter-year ER.) And NCIS could conceivably continue without Gibbs, building a new team, but I imagine it would lose steam, perhaps even quicker than CSI did. This is where spin-offs come into play. Both shows have spawned them, some more successful than others, and if these motherships were to go away, you might find one or more main characters from the original series try to find traction in shows of their own. Let's hope it doesn't come to this anytime soon.
I don't exactly watch NCIS all that often any more, it is something to watch while waiting for NCIS: LA. But yay for Mark Harmon. I've watched him all the way back to St. Elsewhere. :)

Mark Harmon is America's favorite TV star, according to a recent Harris Poll.

Years after he played on St. Elsewhere and Chicago Hope, the 59-year-old NCIS star jumped seven spots from last year to beat out the reigning No. 1, Oprah Winfrey (who now ties at No. 2 with House's Hugh Laurie). Of the 2,331 adults polled, more men said Harmon is their favorite, while women said Winfrey.

Also in the top five are two late-night hosts, TBS' Conan O'Brien (No. 4) and The Daily Show's Jon Stewart (tied at No. 5 with Two and a Half Men's Charlie Sheen).

Rounding out the top 10: Ellen DeGeneres (No. 7), Bill O'Reilly (No.8), David Letterman (No. 9) and Steve Carell (No. 10).

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Notably left off the list was Glenn Beck, who debuted at No. 2 last year and staged a high-profile rally in Washington. Also missing, despite his return to the Tonight Show is Jay Leno, who dropped out of the top 10 from No. 3.

Source: TvGuide

I would love some NCIS intel.

Sounds like our team will be getting a little backup — even if they don't want it! I hear the show is looking for a female NCIS agent for a multi-episode arc. Described as a sexy, competitive go-getter with a sense of humor, the character is an ace investigator and thus not shy about sharing her dissenting theories on the team's big case.
Hello fellow NCIS fans! I'm new to this site so I'd thought I'd do some exploring. Sounds like a good thread! I'm a huge NCIS fan, especially Tony! I write NCIS fanfiction as well but hope to be broadening to CSI in the future!

I'm looking forward to spending time in this thread!
Ask Ausiello has another spoiler for an upcoming episode.
Question: Something on NCIS, please! —Sara
Ausiello: Sasha Alexander’s dead agent is returning! Kind of, but not really! Allow me to explain: This season’s clip-heavy 14th episode revolves around the stressed-to-the-max team being forced into therapy. During their individual sessions, Gibbs & Co. flash back to some of their most emotionally taxing cases — Kate’s death obviously being at the top of the list.
This ought to be interesting...getting inside the agents minds, especially Gibbs and Tony. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to Tony's origin episode and the first headslap. Awesome! :)
From the CHEERS AND JEERS section of the latest TV Guide, by Bruce Fretts~

CHEERS to Bob Newhart for his heartrending performance as a former medical examiner afflicted with Alzheimer's on NCIS. The comedy legend, who was Emmy-nominated for ER, in 2004, once again proved his deadpan stand-up style works just as effectively for dead-serious drama~

Issue Feb. 7-13~
From the CHEERS AND JEERS section of the latest TV Guide, by Bruce Fretts~

CHEERS to Bob Newhart for his heartrending performance as a former medical examiner afflicted with Alzheimer's on NCIS. The comedy legend, who was Emmy-nominated for ER, in 2004, once again proved his deadpan stand-up style works just as effectively for dead-serious drama~

Issue Feb. 7-13~

When was Bob on NCIS?
I believe it was week before last. It's actually the 1st time I'd ever watched NCIS, just to get a glimpse of him, a total favorite of mine, he was fabulous:thumbsup:
Over the weekend I found my season 3 NCIS DVDs I had to order from back in November cause none of the stores around here had them then. Of course, now Best Buy has them, but I digress. I started watching the season 3 episodes over the weekend and Monday. Then yesterday I went to Best Buy and bought seasons 4, 6 and 7 with my use-at-Best Buy-only credit card. I bought season 5 when it first came out on DVD. I watched episodes from seasons 4 and 6 last night. I got so engrossed in the show that I didn't realize it was almost 5 am till I got ready to go to bed and looked up at the clock. I'm now hooked on this show. Before I started watching the DVDs last night, I watched last night's episode-Freedom-on CBS. When last night's episode shows up on my ON DEMAND channel, I'm gonna watch it on it. Starting Tuesday (February 8th) I'm gonna try to post in this thread what I think of each episode after it goes off or while it's on.
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