NBC's new Raines


Hit and Run
Not sure if this has been talked about anywhere else on here or not, but I didn't see any, so here it is. Raines, a new show staring Jeff Goldblum, premiered last night 10/9c. If you missed it, it'll be on again tonight at the same time, or you can watch it and learn more @ http://www.nbc.com/Raines/

...Raines, an inventive police drama that blends traditional noir storytelling with humor and intrigue.

Eccentric LAPD Detective Michael Raines (Goldblum) uses his unique imagination to focus on every murder case in such a way that the murder victims actually begin to take shape in front of him. At first, he thinks he's losing his mind, but he then uses the constantly evolving hallucinations -- which are figments of his imagination and not ghosts -- to help him discover the victims' killers. Raines struggles to accept this peculiar gift -- or burden -- and reconcile it with his daily life.

It has a good idea going, and though I felt there was something missing, it did a pretty good job of keeping me entertained. I enjoyed it and hope it stays longer than most new shows seem to. It has some good potential
what did you think?
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I don't know about this show. The first eppy wasn't that bad but it wasn't that great either. It is just basically him talking to himself as the "ghosts" don't really seem to know anything other than what he knows, but don't you think they would know?
I found the first ep funny as all get out.

Actually the girl explained it to Raines, and Raines explained it to his partner. The victims can only tell them so much because they only know what he knows, and from his point of view the victim is there out of his imagination.

I love that the partner being dead kind of appears to him either out of his imagination or what have you, cause he didn't know the girl wasn't gone in that first ep, "Not gone"?, Raines: Not gone.

Meaning he didn't really believe the guy they arrested for her murder really did it even though he tried to convince himself of it. I love the mix of his imagination and the comedy. Its not going the way of Ghost Whisperer or Medium, but rather using the imagination to explain the ghost/victim and why instead of being as he said "behind his eyes instead of in front of them".
I thought it was a pretty fresh idea. A lot of ghost shows pile on the supernatural. This is like the complete opposite, almost. No supernatural here! And have you seen the preview for next week? His hallucination doesn't speak English. wonder how that'll work out?
I love the commerical they have for this thursday (march 22nd) they say that "Raines will do what he does best" and you see his ears moving and that sound with it. Just shows the comedy with the drama.
That's partly why I liked the show. All the other Crime Dramas are just that-dramas. They have comedy but its only a little thrown in here and there.
Jeff Goldblum was on Conan O'Brian Friday talking about the show. He put a lot of himself in the character he plays. He is a very strange guy. :) (I couldn't find the video on youtube,though :( )
He'll be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight if you want to check that out on the ABC network at 12/11c
It was a pretty good first episode. I mean, it was nice to see another kind of cop show -for once.

I liked that whole comedy/drama mix. It's not LOL funny, it's smart and subtle.

Goldblum was great. He pulled this off quite well.

But I don't get it ... what happened to ER? :confused:
Got this from tv.com
NBC will put the Jeff Goldblum show Raines into ER's slot for two weeks to give the midseason cop show a good debut showing. Raines will air on Thursday, March 15, and Thursday, March 22, at 10 p.m. Beginning March 30 the show will take its regular slot, Friday at 9 p.m.
So I guess ER will return. :) I never watched it though, wasn't quite interested.
Aww crap 9 pm fridays, grrr now I have to choose between that and Close to home, Course if they cancel close to home then I won't have the problem, other then bouncing from CBS Ghost Whisperer, to NBC Raines, to CBS Numb3rs.

But honestly Saturdays are a great day cause then you have repeats of whatever they want to put on, course alot of people go out, but heck they also go out friday nights to, so geez.
Heh...not me, I'm not the type to go anywhere, ever.
And you can always watch CBS shows online, right? or is that only for some shows? I tried to watch shows on NBC, but it wouldn't let me, so I don't want to risk missing it. I'm not so big on Close to Home, I'd rather miss it than Shark on Thursdays.
Oh well you can watch them online I don't like to because its just not the same as tv, and seeing as I have directv I have CBS and NBC east and west coast, so techinqually I could watch one at 9pm est and then the other at 12am est. But still not right lol. I don't go out either.