Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

and rules besides, I'll believe it when I see it. Like an announcement or something. I hope ( that's just me personally) that it's not true. DC jas a child with his fiancee and should marry her. Just my opnion, not stoning anyone in public here. And ELR has a daughter to think of, DC might not be the wisest choice.

Hoever, I'm with the " they are just friends" opnion until there is anything official about this.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude **SPOILERS**

Regarding this rumor involving Eva and David... I actually posted a message several months ago on Eva's official message board asking about it. Eva herself replied to my post and said that this rumor is NOT true.

So... Just wanted to clear that up. :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i have tried to warm up to this character...having no succes... :(
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i watched three way yesterday and Natalia was so great in it.
I loved when she said to eric "you know you got some trust issues" it was so funny!!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I also have been unable to warm up to Natalia. Finally decided that I like Eva (and she IS gorgeous), but she's not a good fit with the rest of the cast, hasn't been able to find her niche. Never watch soaps, but her expressions scream "soap" and much the same 'deer in the highlights' look as Yelena and especially Marisol. More needy women!Just what CSIM needs! :rolleyes:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

hey all! im new here but love nat/eva! i think her character needs to be seen w/ more of an open mind & people might see her different. they see her as bad cuz of the whole "mole" thing and really she didn't do any harm to the lab. forgive her & move on. love to see her mess up eric & cal, hes better w/ nat. im a HUGE 'ned' shipper but cant find a thread. anyone know where?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

welcome mjszud! yea i agree with you
people see her as bad because of the mole problem but like she said she only provided positive info to the feds about the lab.
it was the other woman(whatever her name is) that got the lab into trouble
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

yeah it was Monica she was the girlfriend of that guy who Calleigh had a crush on. Anyway now we can say that everybody trust her now especially Ryan, he was the one she had to work a little harder to get back in his good grace but now they are friends again. She has a good friendship with Calleigh and Valera(she called her Maxine once!). She seem to have become friends with Eric witch is pretty good since he was her boyfriend once. I think we can say she has a big heart and love pretty much everybody.

New picture of Eva on wire image she's gorgeous as usual but again she's listed as Larue Callahan geez some people will never learn!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

im so excited for the season finale but also bummed; anyone know what will occur w/ natalia? theres always something dramatic for each character at the end of the season. i read somewhere she said in an interview about being a "bad shot"?! does that mean shes going to take a bullet meant for someone else?? maybe eric (due to his injury) will accidentally shoot her, (of course leave her alive), then he can remember how great they were together and tell Cal that he really loves Nat. She deserves it the most after what Nick did to her.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I've started watching CSI: Miami and I've gotta say, I LOVE Natalia. And I've loved ELR since her days on the soap opera All My CHildren. I can't wait to see more about Natalia. Unfortunately, I've JUST started watching CSI: Miami, so I don't know that much about her. Except for the fact that she has dated Eric and had an abusive ex. That's all I know. Anyone wanna fill the CSI: Miami newbie in? Come on, help a girl out?

Oh, and I brought pictures. Not sure if y'all have seen them before.
Isn't she gorgeous?
Still gorgeous...

And still gorgeous...

This woman is so sexy...

Hola Senorita Hottie...

And hola again...

Yeah, I forgot to add, I originally got these from DLewis of The Celebrity City. Don't ask me where they find these, but...I'm glad they did.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

hey there! i m so glad you love nat too! you need to see S4 to really understand who natalia is. look for these eppis on A&E. right now they are back @ S1 so you may need to give it a couple of months. look for "urban hellraisers", "payback", "silencer", "skeletons", "driven", "collision", "dead air", "shocked", "rampage", & "one of their own". those should help also, you can go to csi miami @ to get info too. love the pics, havent seen those, shes just so cute! you have to see her w/ eric- even cuter! yummy yummy hot hot. be a shipper nat/eric!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I've been here the whole time. I swear.

veggie said:
i watched three way yesterday and Natalia was so great in it.
I loved when she said to eric "you know you got some trust issues" it was so funny!!!!
Yeah, I adored Natalia in that scene. I actually watched it not too long ago because I had to get a quote between her and Eric for a fic I'm writing. (Shameless semi-plug right there. ;))

I think that's when I first considered Eric and Natalia as a couple. The look they gave each other in the end... should probably be discussed in the shipper thread. (But it was just soooo-oooo cute! ...And a little sexy.)

Okay, okay, going to the shipper thread.

The only thing that I don't like about that scene is that you could tell the only reason why she was there was to start digging her mole hole. The way she just pops up at the door and dives into the conversation... At first I just thought it was casual conversation, but... eh. (Or, wait. The writers hadn't even developed the mole plot at that point, had they? The episode was a little too early for me to think that they had. But if they had, it took them a while to decide who the mole would be... right?)

I put too much thought into things sometimes. :rolleyes:

miracle97 said:
More needy women!Just what CSIM needs! :rolleyes:
Aww, come on. Do you still think Natalia is needy? Her evil ex-hubby has been dead for several months already and she's really focusing on the cases now. I think her needy days are over, don't you?

mjszud said:
hey all! im new here but love nat/eva! i think her character needs to be seen w/ more of an open mind & people might see her different. they see her as bad cuz of the whole "mole" thing and really she didn't do any harm to the lab. forgive her & move on.
Welcome to the site and the thread! It's always nice to see a new face... username... username here. :D

I completely agree with what you're saying about people needing to have an open mind with the character. A lot of people's dislike for her comes from last season's love triangle, the mole situation (where she wasn't even really the mole), or the "crazy amount" :)rolleyes:) of storylines she got earlier this season. I think she's changed completely since season four and people really need to give her another chance instead of just immediately hating her as soon as she appears on their TV screens.

mjszud said:
love to see her mess up eric & cal, hes better w/ nat. im a HUGE 'ned' shipper but cant find a thread. anyone know where?
I love you, my NED/ERotIcA/NERF friend. The thread is this way. :D

that_girl1 said:
people see her as bad because of the mole problem but like she said she only provided positive info to the feds about the lab.
Exactly! Monica West (the woman responsible for the lab getting in trouble) even confessed: "Boa Vista was useless."

veggie said:
New picture of Eva on wire image she's gorgeous as usual but again she's listed as Larue Callahan geez some people will never learn!!
It still blows my mind that she's forty... Aren't you not supposed to be that gorgeous at that age?

Thanks for the pics! :D

mjszud said:
im so excited for the season finale but also bummed; anyone know what will occur w/ natalia? theres always something dramatic for each character at the end of the season. i read somewhere she said in an interview about being a "bad shot"?! does that mean shes going to take a bullet meant for someone else?? maybe eric (due to his injury) will accidentally shoot her, (of course leave her alive), then he can remember how great they were together and tell Cal that he really loves Nat. She deserves it the most after what Nick did to her.
I don't know if anything will happen with/for Natalia in the season finale. As of now, the last I heard about the season finale is no longer going to happen, so... eh.

The "bad shot" was from a radio interview on a radio station over here called WPLJ. I was lucky enough to have caught it and Eva had said that one of the writers had mentioned to her that they were thinking about having her character be a "bad shot," which basically means that she'll suck at shooting a gun. Whether or not they'll carry out with that, I don't know. I hope they don't, just because I'd like to see her carrying around a gun and using it against the bad guys. :) Eva looked so awesome with one in that Lifetime movie that I think Natalia should definitely have one.

Hmm... It's not letting me submit my whole post because I've written too much. *agitated*
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