Name the Episode

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That's all you need to know...for now.
Carolyn, not meaning to be rude, but I believe that counts as a hint. Could you wait until we ask before giving us the season? Thanks :)

Is it from Death Eminent?
YES, DragonFly, it is Death Eminent.

I'm not trying to be rude here. I'm just plain ole confused. Explain this to me: HOW is "season 5" a hint???
I've gave the season # before and no one said a word about it being a hint. Like when I done that Frank Tripp line from Felony Flight "Hope you're not allergic to dust." Just before the line I said it was a season 4 Frank Tripp line. No one said anything about season 4 being a hint. So HOW is season 5 a hint???
In my opinion, where I said "You're one episode away from the correct one." in my last post seems like more of a hint to me.
HOW is "season 5" a hint???
Because it rules out 97 episodes from those we can guess from. ;)

Edited to add: depending on which character is responsible for the quote of course, as obviously some characters have only been in some seasons, not all. :)
MiamiDade is right. By telling us which season its from, you're narrowing it down to (at this point) about 1/5 of the episodes, making it far easier to guess. As said before, the point of this game is to stump people.

ThumpyG42 said:
Regarding this thread: If it is your turn to post a quote, please post a quote only

Hope that makes sense to you, Carolyn :)
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