Name the Episode

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No it was definatly in the first 2 seasons... i remember it but cant place the episode. ill take an educated guess at my least favorite episode... "Broken"
Body Count??? Broken???
I don't recall seeing either of those on any of the SEASON 4 DVDs. Read EVERYTHING below. Then guess.

Carolyn318 said
This is a season 4 Horatio line.
That's all I'm saying about this one.

Horatio: That's what he does.

Earlier today I watched the season 4 episode this quote came from.
Horatio said this line to Calleigh in a SEASON 4 EPISODE.
:lol: I didn't even read where it said it was a season 4 episode. Wow. I feel like an idiot. Oh well, so much for my answer.
Ok, guys... speed_cochrane and I feel maybe it's time we had a refresher on the rules of this game, as well as a couple of other things.

Regarding this thread: If it is your turn to post a quote, please post a quote only, do not give any hints until they are requested. The whole point of the game is to try to stump everyone else. Also, bear in mind this is just a game and all in fun, so please don't get upset if no one guesses your quote within a few posts. That only means you've done a great job of picking a hard to identify quote and should be congratulated for that. ;)

The only time we will move to a new quote without the old quote being correctly guessed is if the thread remains inactive for for a period of approximately 36 hours. Then the first person to happen upon the thread may post a new quote to start the game back up again.

Also...a couple of general reminders to everyone: If you see a post that you find rude or offensive in any way, instead of replying to it yourself please pm either myself or speed_cochrane, and as soon as one of us is able to come online the issue will be dealt with, we certainly don't want to see any misunderstandings escalate, do we? Another alternative would be to use the 'Notify Moderator' button located within every post, that way both s_c and myself would be alerted to any potential problems.

One last thing, and we do realize it's been addressed in the thread, but it's considered bad 'Net Etiquette to post in all caps. It's the online equivilent of shouting, so we'd like to ask that every one please refrain from doing this if at all possible. The occasional word in all caps to emphasize a point would be acceptable, but alternatively you may also use italics or bold type to achieve the same effect.

Please guys, keep in mind these requests and play nicely. :)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

And now, back to the game. I believe that it's katpin31791's turn. Ok, katpin...make us work for it. ;)
Sorry for being slow. Was at doctor all afternoon. Then had to go get meds, etc. Anyway,you're kidding? I actually got that? *sigh* I actually did guess that one. LOL

Okay here we go

Horatio:She didn't have time to digest it before she died.

Have fun. LOL
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