My statement on Virginia Tech shootings.........


Lab Technician
I am at a complete loss for words at how I feel about what happened at Virginia Tech this morning in Blacksburg, VA. I am extremely upset and troubled at what happened this morning.

According to what I've heard on the news, 21 students at the campus were killed and 28 wounded by what has been said to be two separate shootings on opposite ends of the campus this morning. The gunman killed himself shortly after. Go to Yahoo or any news site and read the whole story.

I ususally avoid trying to spread lots of drama or bad news around but this horrific incident will have major repercussions for much of society and it has already opened old wounds on the debate on so-called 'Gun Rights'. This is something noone, regardless of political beliefs, education level, or intelligence has all the answers. The shootings are absolutely horrific. My mouth is wide open with shock at what's happened this morning.

Some of you who post here or have registered live in Virginia and I want to send my prayers and condolences out to you all who are attending college right now. I myself attend college right now and am very upset about this event that has shaken the nation.

Apparantly, the gunman used an assault weapon, the very kind of weapon that was banned by the Clinton administration and James Brady, but that Assault Weapons Ban was allowed to expire by the 109th Congress in 2004 and I knew we were in deep trouble when it expired. I can understand the argument behind the right to bear arms but assault weapons that function as cop killers should NEVER, EVER, be allowed in the hands of civilian populations because who knows which ones may be kooky or mentally messed-up. Such weapons belong in military combat units when deployed overseas if not deserve to be destroyed. I'm only 24 years old as of writing this and I am immensely troubled at the fact that the ban on assault weapons was allowed to expire. Already police are reporting encountering criminal gangs armed with the deadliest weapons seen in years. :mad:

The shootings will have major repercussions which will reverberate for years to come. I guarantee it. I want to know what you all make of this event. I am in tears over this event this morning.
I have been sat watching Sky News/CNN/BBC News open mouthed for the past 2 hours.

As I'm typing this post CNN have just announced that the Death Toll has risen to 31 :eek: :eek:

I am more than disturbed watching what I'm watching. I find seeing stuff like this in the Western world hard to comprehend.

Although seeing tragic stories like involving 'Gunmen opening fire in classes in America' isn't a rare occasion sadly.

In the UK you have to jump through hoops of fire to get a licence to own a firearm, I have never even seen a 'real' firearm apart airport police carrying them in Heathrow airport and what not. Seeing what has happened today, and also what happened in Pensyalvania last year makes you think that they should have more stringent laws in the US as they do in the UK.

My condolences go out to everyone involved in todays tragic incident :( :( I can't get my head around it at all :(
i too have been watching this unfold on the news in the UK and it truly is horrific. It's not the sort of thing we hear alot about here like JUNE85 has said.
I feel really sorry for the students who had to go through this today and my condolences go to those who died and their families.
May they rest in peace.
My sister's fiance attended VT & I also have a friend that goes there. My friend is alright, but I am in shock of what has happened. The videos from the incident are very scary, and I believe the death toll is up to 32 after the gunman has killed himself.
Im glad your friend is ok
if you go here there is a video from a students mobile and you can here thhe shootings taaking place its very frightening
All we can do is bow our heads and pray for the injured and offer our condolences to those who have lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy. News stations across the globe will have this on tonight. My thoughts are with the victims' families, may they find solace in knowing that America and Canada are with them.
There are so many questions I have, hopefully they will be answered by the police within hours.
This is so terrible.
I didn't know anything about it until I came home from school and my mother told me what had happened. It still amazes me the things that people will do to others.
My thoughts go out to the families of all those involved.
mrb105 said:
and I believe the death toll is up to 32 after the gunman has killed himself.
Jesus, everytime I look at the news the death toll goes up. It was a 22 the last time I looked. :(

It's absolutely awful. All those lives. :(
The news broke in the UK early afternoon around 2.30pm GMT which would have been 9.30am EST but it was limited information and reports of only 1 fatality, but then @ 5.15pm GMT (12.15pm EST) it all unfolded and its now *looks @ clock 9.35pm and it has been on constantly on Sky News, withouth a single ad break or mention of another story.

I haven't know that happen since the 7/7 bombing on the London Underground.

I get so bummed out watchin news like this break, but I cannot take my eyes from the screen.

I just pray the all the injured pull through!
Tinkerbell said:
mrb105 said:
and I believe the death toll is up to 32 after the gunman has killed himself.
Jesus, everytime I look at the news the death toll goes up. It was a 22 the last time I looked. :(

It's absolutely awful. All those lives. :(

i know and it has just risen again to 33. 31 killed in one location (norris hall) and 2 in another. they think there may have been 2 shooters now! this really is scary i can only imagine how eceryone felt
WTH is wrong with this world, when civilians can walk around with assualt weapons?!!?

My University (Guelph) now has its flags lowered...
seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?? another example of how disgusting and despicable the human race can be. honestly, how many times does this have to happen before they smarten up on how easy it is to get guns.

33 people are dead and hundreds are going to be affected. this is something no one anywhere should have to deal with.
This is absolutely insane and haunting, how screwed up is the world? I was hoping after the tragedy of Columbine something like this could be prevented in the future... :(

Americans are obviously pissed about something. This has been called the worst shooting in US history.
I too find this upsetting. I don't understand where all this hate comes from and why do they always feel the need to shoot up a place or persons. Unfortunatly this is becoming quite a trend among the schools. I graduated from High School before Columbine. So we didn't have the lockdown drills.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families and students of Virginia Tech.