Movies that Traumatized You!

Any movies that emotionally scarred and/or traumatized you for life? Bambi did a number on me, and the one movie that really messed me up...

A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Gah! Me too! Nightmare on Elm Street. Whoo, i went through some harsh times after that one. :lol:

Another one...IT Oh god, i was so scared of everything after i watched that. I was scared of the shower, and my school locker room, and i swear i couldnt look at the drain when i was washing my hands because i thought a bloody balloon was going to come out of it! :lol:
:eek: Oh jeez, Nightmare on Elm Street really was a bad one, wasn't it? I've been having so many nightmares about Freddy lately! In one of them he actually forced me to have kids with him so he wouldn't kill me :eek: Freaky, huh? Gah!

And Carrie...that was another one. That was just...scary. The book is scary! But the movie is so freaky!
And Carrie...that was another one. That was just...scary. The book is scary! But the movie is so freaky!


I thought Carrie sucked, but maybe that's because I fell asleep through half of it. But I did wake up when she went insane and started killing everybody. I had to scramble to the couch and didn't want to go to the bathroom that night but the next day I was fine.

Hmm, the only movie I can think of was Scream when I was little. Dude, that movie got me freaked out for the longest time. If it was dark and I had to go somewhere in my house, I would RUN. I could always imagine his face. *shudders*
The Exorcism of Emily Rose...scared me for weeks. Probably because I decided to watch it all alone at 3 in the morning. Also had many weird, freaky dreams.

I also can't stand any horror movie with clowns or dummies in them. Ugh, they just freak me out!
Movies that freaked me out... hmmm..
I totally agree with you, ineverysunflower, 28 Days Later really bothered me. I actually walked out, to be honest. Not because of the zombies, but because of the scene where the marines are about to rape the women.. that was WAY too much for me.
Derailed bothered me a lot as well. I REALLY hate rape scenes in movies, and I felt that that movie totally trivialized that for me. I found it to be highly offensive.

When I was little, Return to Oz scared me shitless.. that queen with the cabinets full of heads? the wheelers? TOTALLY traumatizing.
well ive had a few films that have freaked me out.
the gate omg i have severe phobia about circular saws now hate them they scare the hell out of me.
freddie krugar aaaaaaaggggghhhh not nice.
Traumatized? Never connected the word to movies before... Well, if you mean scare...some did...recent..."Land of Freedom"...cannot believe a mum would kill her own to say...if people could make the play, they could make it ture...just realized how lucky I have a good mum...*Tee*