Movie Quote Game # 2

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Doctor Henry Frankenstein: Crazy, am I? We'll see whether I'm crazy or not.


C1: Yes, always tip the stylist 15%. Listen, John, I've gotta go, T. Boone Pickens just walked in.
Patrick Bateman: Yes, always tip the stylist 15%. Listen, John, I've gotta go, T. Boone Pickens just walked in.

American Psycho

C1: There are two ways to disable an croc.
C2: I don't suppose you'd care to tell me what they are.
C1: One way is to take a pencil and stick it in the pressure area above its eye.
C2: And the other way?
C1: Oh, the other way is twice as simple. You just stick your hand in its mouth and pull its teeth out.

That would be Live and Let Die, I can't really remember the second character, it was a strange name, so I'll just guess what I think it was.

Tee Hee: There are two ways to disable an croc.
Bond: I don't suppose you'd care to tell me what they are.
Tee Hee: One way is to take a pencil and stick it in the pressure area above its eye.
Bond: And the other way?
Tee Hee: Oh, the other way is twice as simple. You just stick your hand in its mouth and pull its teeth out.

I won't post a quote until you tell me if that was right or not.
Elliot: Ew. EW. EW! It's terrible and wonderful at the same time! It's freedom in a cup!

Open Season

I think :)
Rome: Would somebody *please* shoot this guy?
Morgan: What does it look like we're doin'?
Rome: Missing!

The Marine, just check out my icon ;)

c1 - Don't pee in the water.
c2 - Why?
c1 - A candiru, a vicious parasite will
swim up the urine into your pau.
c2 - Swim up my what?
c1 - Your pinto.
It'll swim up your ding-dong.
And once it gets in,
you can't get it out.
c2 - Well, then what?
c1 - They have to amputate.
c2 - Not this boy's pinto.
Uh-uh, not today.
C1: C2, four days ago you chased a bottle of aspirin, with a bottle of vodka.
C2: I had a headache.
I believe the doctor's name is Dr. Crumble...

Dr. Crumble (Kurtwood Smith): Susanna, four days ago... you chased a bottle of aspirin, with a bottle of vodka.
Susanna (Winona Ryder): I had a headache.

Girl Interrupted

I only remembered that because of Kurtwood Smith, I was watching it one day and was like, 'Look It's Red!'
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