Movie Quote Game # 2

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Ooh I know this quote 'cause I saw the film recently...

Character: Walter Stratford (Larry Miller)
Film: 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

:lol: I hope I'm correct...
:lol: On TBS right? They play that film so many times but somehow I find myself watching parts of it. Oh dear :lol:. Anyhoo, here's the new quotes for you all :):

C1: You scared motherf**ker? Well you should be because this green beret is going to kick your big ass.
C2: I eat green berets for breakfast. And right now I'm very hungry.
C3: I can't believe this macho bullshit.

Naming the actors & year of the film is optional. I'm just looking for the characters & the film itself so good luck :).
Something Duke - Cooke
Arnold Schwarzenegger - John Matrix
Ray Chong - Cindy

Sorry I went Awol guys, my boyfriend decided to take me to Queensland, Australia as a early Valentine's gift. He'll be shipped back to Baghdad the day before. The trip is great and I just found a spot with satelite internet acess! Oh did I mention that I met Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson? :D, for Matthew McConaughey!
Here's the next quote:

C1: Do you know what Ed Gein said about women?
C2: The maitre 'd at Canal Bar?
C1: No, serial killer, Wisconsin, the '50s.
C3: So what did he say?
C1: "When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants me to take her out, talk to her, be real nice and sweet and treat her right."
C2: And what did the other part think?
C1 "What her head would look like on a stick..."

Characters and Movie please.

Hints? It's a scary movie from around 1999 or 2000. It stars a lot of up and comers and two that made another movie together in 2002.
still nobody guessed it? well i knew it the second i read it but i didn't want to post because i don't have a new is it ok if i answer and pass my turn to somebody else? i hope so...

american psycho
patrick bateman, david van patten and craig mcdermott
That's correct, American Psycho is one of my favorite movies and this just happens to be one of my favorite quotes. The quote's true too, Ed Gein actally said this when he was being interrogated by cops about the murders that he was commeting, I had to study him for a whole semester in college.
This is one of my favorite threads, so let's get this started again. I hope it's ok to double post to get it started again. Here's a fairly easy quote, or atleast I think it is.

C1: George Washington was in a cult, and the cult was into aliens, man.

Movie and character please.
Tom: I'm sorry, I'm not ready to die.
Lincoln: Me either!

The Island!

C1: Hey, wait - tomorrow's Saturday.
C2: Sometimes I eat on Saturday.
Tripp: Hey Wait - Tomorrow's Saturday.
Paula: Sometimes I eat on Saturday.

Failure to launch!

C1: Just consider me the best cocktail party story you ever met.
Julian Noble: Just consider me the best cocktail party story you ever met.

The Matador!

C1: President Lincoln... George Washington... Martin Sheen...
Mouth: President Lincoln... George Washington... Martin Sheen...

The Goonies!

C1: Crazy, am I? We'll see whether I am crazy or not.
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