More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Top41 said:
That's definitely possible. Just because they slept together once doesn't mean they're in a relationship. I think it's kind of been headed that way, but the writers could always change their minds.

Top, I agree when you say TPTB have led Danny and Lindsay into a SERIOUS relationship together. It's way too far out if they handle Danny and Lindsay as a one night stand. Besides, I can't imagine Danny seeing it as such when he's waited for Lindsay SO LONG. That would indicate Danny is desperate for a 'little something something', and I just don't see it that way.
JenP said:
Top41 said:
That's definitely possible. Just because they slept together once doesn't mean they're in a relationship. I think it's kind of been headed that way, but the writers could always change their minds.

Top, I agree when you say TPTB have led Danny and Lindsay into a SERIOUS relationship together. It's way too far out if they handle Danny and Lindsay as a one night stand. Besides, I can't imagine Danny seeing it as such when he's waited for Lindsay SO LONG. That would indicate Danny is desperate for a 'little something something', and I just don't see it that way.

I don't see that Danny's been waiting for Lindsay for "SO LONG." The show hasn't started S4 yet and Lindsay was added in S2. In TV time, that's not very long at all. I can see how some people would take Danny's seeming willingness to be Lindsay's whipping boy coupled with him flying to Montana for the trial as him being "SERIOUS" about her and a romantic relationship. But at the same time, it's very much in Danny's character to be supportive regardless of the status of their relationship. He would be there for a friend as well as someone with whom he's romantically involved. Plus, Mr. G confirmed in the recent interview that Danny and Lindsay didn't have an established romantic relationship prior to "Snow Day." To me, the pool table scene just didn't feel like a couple who has been waiting a long time to finally start a romantic relationship. They never dated before she went to his (ridiculously large and well furnished) apartment. So to me the way it played out was: they got drunk doing shots, Lindsay made what was, in my opinion, an out of character bold move, and they got busy on the pool table. I'm not trying to say or imply that people who see them as being in a romantic relationship are wrong, I'm just saying that I can't even begin to see it based on what's happened.

I do agree, however, that TPTB could very likely have them in an exclusive relationship right off the bat in S4. However, the spoilers - if they prove to be right - indicate that right off the bat Danny is intrigued by another woman. That says to me TPTB may not see Danny and Lindsay - or at least Danny - as being in a serious, exclusive relationship.

I must also say that the spoilers about other characters having "love interests" makes me hope to God and all other dieties that CSI: NY doesn't turn into a bed hopping, who's doing who this week, soap fest.
I can see how some people would take Danny's seeming willingness to be Lindsay's whipping boy coupled with him flying to Montana for the trial as him being "SERIOUS" about her and a romantic relationship. But at the same time, it's very much in Danny's character to be supportive regardless of the status of their relationship. He would be there for a friend as well as someone with whom he's romantically involved.
That's true; it would be in character for him to do something like that for a friend in need, but on the other hand TPTB made him 'go with his instincts' after having sleep-deprived visions of Lindsay, with that clearly trying to indicate that she's more than just a friend or colleague to him.

So to me the way it played out was: they got drunk doing shots, Lindsay made what was, in my opinion, an out of character bold move, and they got busy on the pool table.
I never got the impression that they were drunk and that waking-up-on-the-pooltable-scene where they both agreed that they were 'glad this happened' to me didn't feel like a conversation between two people suffering from a major hang-over.

However, the spoilers - if they prove to be right - indicate that right off the bat Danny is intrigued by another woman.
The fact that he's intrigued by that girl doesn't mean he's already looking for someone else to keep his felt warm, but unfortunately at this point we will all have to wait and see what the actual plans are.
Eh, we'll see. I still think it's hilarious that less than 2 years is considered an eternity for Danny and Lindsay to wait for their twu wub. Sometimes, people want something so bad that, when they actually get it, it isn't all they thought it would be. The way that Danny acted while chasing after Lindsay struck me as (sometimes pathetically) desperate, and I could easily see him realizing that she isn't what he had made her into in his mind. *shrug* That doesn't make her worthless, I'm not saying that--but can anybody ever live up to the expectations that another person creates for them?

I've just never seen Lindsay as the goddess that some fans seem to think she is, nor do I see their relationship as some kind of perfect union of soulmates. They are only human, after all. If you ask me, the relationship can either fit unrealistic fan fantasies or be realistic to the way relationships work in real life. On a crime drama, I think it's obvious which one should be the case.

[/rambling comment]

Having seen a bit about the case for the first episode, are you guys more confident about the types of cases for this season? :)
No clue who will be playing Kelly (the new lab tech). Presumably someone blonde and beautiful (are there any unattractive people in NYC? No? Didn't think so.)
thanks for answering again fay :D now im really looking forward to seeing Kelly. she sounds cute with Adam.

Having seen a bit about the case for the first episode, are you guys more confident about the types of cases for this season?
cases seems promising, character plots... i don't know. except for Adam's :D. throw in the books indeed :lol:
now im really looking forward to seeing Kelly. she sounds cute with Adam.
She really can be, I hope they cast someone great for her. If they're going to be in a relationship, I hope they have good on-screen chemistry. ;) But, of course, I hope they don't make all of Adam's scenes about her or never develop her beyond the relationship with him. I suppose that time will tell...
Kimmychu said:
Anybody else miffed that poor Flack is getting no action at all?! :p What the hell, man, everybody's @#$%ed with somebody except him ... and he's the hottest homicide detective in town! That is so wrong. :mad:

I still think he's got a thing for Danny, and it would be a really interesting storyline for the writers to pursue. Much more original and intriguing than, "OMG! Stella flirts with a guy called into consult on a case" for the second time around.

JenP said:
Top, I agree when you say TPTB have led Danny and Lindsay into a SERIOUS relationship together. It's way too far out if they handle Danny and Lindsay as a one night stand. Besides, I can't imagine Danny seeing it as such when he's waited for Lindsay SO LONG. That would indicate Danny is desperate for a 'little something something', and I just don't see it that way.

Yeah, I definitely don't think it's a one night stand. I might be in the minority on this, but I've never, ever seen Danny as a player. He's too emotional and sensitive for that.

PerfectAnomaly said:
I do agree, however, that TPTB could very likely have them in an exclusive relationship right off the bat in S4. However, the spoilers - if they prove to be right - indicate that right off the bat Danny is intrigued by another woman. That says to me TPTB may not see Danny and Lindsay - or at least Danny - as being in a serious, exclusive relationship.

I kinda think it's possible Nova might be setting up something here. Do I think Danny's going to throw over Lindsay and run off for a weekend sex romp with Nova? Not so much. But the fact that he's already looking just two weeks after hooking up with Lindsay for the first time suggests to me that he's not completely satisfied--Carmine's words "she's not all Danny thought she would be" come to mind--and mid-season we could see him acting on his attraction to someone else. All speculation, but I think it's possible.

Faylinn said:
Eh, we'll see. I still think it's hilarious that less than 2 years is considered an eternity for Danny and Lindsay to wait for their twu wub. Sometimes, people want something so bad that, when they actually get it, it isn't all they thought it would be. The way that Danny acted while chasing after Lindsay struck me as (sometimes pathetically) desperate, and I could easily see him realizing that she isn't what he had made her into in his mind. *shrug* That doesn't make her worthless, I'm not saying that--but can anybody ever live up to the expectations that another person creates for them?

I've just never seen Lindsay as the goddess that some fans seem to think she is, nor do I see their relationship as some kind of perfect union of soulmates.

Lindsay has treated Danny like shit. She's selfish and self-centered and I don't think we've seen a lot to indicate she cares deeply for Danny, the way he cares about her (and the other people in his life he counts as friends, like the rest of the team). Again I come back to Carmine's phrasing--"she's not all Danny thought she'd be." I think it's a great way to put it. Danny probably thought once they were in a relationship, she'd turn into this great caring person. He wouldn't be the first person to think the person he/she is dating would change for the better. And maybe when he sees she's not going to change--that she's still self-involved, that she still cares more about herself than him, he gets fed up.

Having seen a bit about the case for the first episode, are you guys more confident about the types of cases for this season? :)

I don't know...they sound awfully "big." I'm hoping NY isn't going to venture into Miami territory, where Mac is like, saving the city every week by disarming bombs and shooting baddies.
I might be in the minority on this, but I've never, ever seen Danny as a player. He's too emotional and sensitive for that.
It's not so much that I see him as a player as that he doesn't strike me as the type to have a lot of long-term relationships. I mean, nothing about D/L makes me think it's going to be any different. What about Lindsay is supposed to make Danny want to settle down, exactly? Maybe her tendency to twist things ever-so-slightly so that they end up being about her? Or maybe her wishy-washy way of treating him when he was pursuing her in the first place? Or her "it's not you, it's me" excuse? Or the way that she suddenly expected him to be there once she got over her shit?

I don't think the finale was a one-night-stand, but I also don't think them sleeping together and not regretting it means that they're destined to be together forever. And moving on doesn't make either one of them a bad person. Am I really supposed to believe that, because the writers wasted time on this over the past two seasons, that the characters MUST be locked into this for the rest of the show's run? They've dated other people in the past, and it's possible for them to date other people in the future. Shocking, I know. [/sarcasm]

I don't know...they sound awfully "big." I'm hoping NY isn't going to venture into Miami territory, where Mac is like, saving the city every week by disarming bombs and shooting baddies.
Hmm, this is true. Let's hope it's just a 'gotta start the season off BIG' thing, rather than an indication of the entire season. I'd like to see some of those good-old 'person gets shot in an alley' stories without grand schemes and kooky shenanigans involved. ;)
Faylinn said:

~ No clue who will be playing Kelly (the new lab tech). Presumably someone blonde and beautiful (are there any unattractive people in NYC? No? Didn't think so.)

I know what you mean by that......I'm just gonna refer to another show now....Grey's Anatomy...You have your blonde beanpoles and then you get Bailey and Torres......they knock my socks off...They ain't blonde, they ain't skinny but they walk away with their scenes..someone like Callie Torres would be perfect for Adam....she's gorgeous in a real woman all curves way...gotta give Adam a real woman to grab...someone he could have a real good roll in the hay with and not be frightened of snapping... :lol:
Top41 said:
Lindsay has treated Danny like shit. She's selfish and self-centered and I don't think we've seen a lot to indicate she cares deeply for Danny, the way he cares about her (and the other people in his life he counts as friends, like the rest of the team). Again I come back to Carmine's phrasing--"she's not all Danny thought she'd be."

Now, I don't want to offend any of the Lindsay fans on this board, what I'm going to say is just about the storyline and a suggestion as to how it might progress in an interesting fashion.

Carmine referred to the fact that Lindsay really hasn't found her character yet, she's still underfined as a personality in her own right and much of what Danny has been doing in S3 has been helping her trying to shape some individual identity. Well, what if, in S4 she becomes a complete bitch? Everyone's too nice on CSI:NY, they're all supportive and considerate. Wouldn't it be interesting viewing to have a character who was self-centred and manipulative, who pissed everyone off? It would certainly add a new dynamic to the series and would solve the problem of what to do with Lindsay. I'll bet Anna Belknap, as an actress, would enjoy the challenge of playing such a character - much more fun that simpering, sweet Lindsay. What do you think?

Than again Danny comment "she's not all Danny thought she'd be" might just mean she was rubbish in bed (or on table...) :lol:
Joolz said:
gotta give Adam a real woman to grab...someone he could have a real good roll in the hay with and not be frightened of snapping...
Ooh, sounds nummy. Fay likey. :cool: Adam could definitely handle a girl with curves, and God knows NY needs to add a little bit of meat to the cast. A beautiful, kick-ass, confident, intelligent lab tech with a little more cushion for the pushin' would do the show a world of good. ;)

And the other guys would be totally jealous, no question. :lol:

(I didn't mean the larger ladies when I said 'unattractive', though--although apparently NYC doesn't have any big people living there. *le sigh* I just said 'blonde and beautiful' because that's how the character was described. It never said she had to be teensy, but in the end that's what I expect the show to do. I'll give them kudos if they surprise me, though. ;))
Orison said:
^ Looks like this season Flack's gonna be one of the characters (along with Hawkes, apparently) who'll just go home at night and read a book like Top suggested. :rolleyes:

I smell something naughty, like really really naughty :devil:
I'm responding to a few different comments by a few different people, but I didn't quote anyone. I'm lazy today and I know you're all smart enough to figure it out anyway.

I agree that Danny isn't a player, and I don't think him being intrigued—attracted--whatever by another woman makes him one. It doesn't mean he's going to hop into bed with the first chick he sees either. If he was that type, he'd never have taken all of Lindsay's shit and waited around for two years until she decided she wanted to bang him. A player might have pursued her for a little while just to boost his ego and prove he could get into her pants, but they'd never stick around for all Lindsay put Danny through. They'd just move on to the next conquest.

I also agree that "she's not all Danny thought she'd be" could end up being the key to their undoing. And I’m totally on board with the idea of Lindsay being the lab bitch. The franchise has always shown conflict between characters, but they've never had someone--who's a main character--on any team who was a completely unsympathetic character who doesn't get along with anyone. I love shows where there's someone I love to hate, and I'd much rather hate Lindsay because that's what TPTB want for her character instead of hating her because I think she's underdeveloped and useless to the show.

As for this Kelly chick, I agree whole heartedly that having some blonde, skinny, white Barbie-esque person is boring and insulting to the audience. DI-VERS-ITY. PTB--pick up a dictionary and look up the word. You may find you like it and that it will actually help the show on a few different levels. I mean, come on. If Adam dated a Suicide Girl, what could he possibly see in some stereotypical pretty, skinny blonde? Of course I'm speculating about the stereotypical part, but with Kelly's initial description, it's pretty easy to get worried. If she's gotta be blonde and thin and "beautiful" (read: the Hollywood version of beautiful), I hope, dear PTB, that she'll at least be interesting.

You know what character I really miss from CSI: NY? Dr. Giles. Here was a handsome, intelligent doctor who just happened to be in a wheelchair. And surprisingly, because it rarely happens when casting parts for persons with disabilities, the actor was a handsome, intelligent man who just happened to be in a wheelchair. Granted he wasn't a main character, but I loved seeing him; and I was so impressed with how TPTB made him just another character instead of making some big thing out of his disability. Now, I admit I'm completely biased about the character since I have a physical disability myself. There are lots of different people in the world; it would be nice if more than the pretty, white, thin, able-bodied (damn I hate that term, but I can't think of a better way to say it right now) ones showed up on shows like CSI: NY more often.
what if, in S4 she becomes a complete bitch? Everyone's too nice on CSI:NY, they're all supportive and considerate. Wouldn't it be interesting viewing to have a character who was self-centred and manipulative, who pissed everyone off?
Such a character on the show would be fun, but I think it would be wrong to have Lindsay (who already had several 'mood swings') turn in to that person; a new addition to the cast perhaps (like Adam's Big(?), Blonde & Beautiful girlfriend)?

I cannot speak for Anna, but I can imagine that she would like her character to be a little more like it was when she first came on the show; so I do hope the focus will be on that in S04.
Faylinn said:
Or the way that she suddenly expected him to be there once she got over her shit?
Well, I don't see Lindsay expected Danny to be there. Danny was just there 'cause he wanted to be. Lindsay didn't tell him to come, he just did. But hey, maybe I missed something.

And Faylinn said:
I don't think the finale was a one-night-stand, but I also don't think them sleeping together and not regretting it means that they're destined to be together forever. And moving on doesn't make either one of them a bad person. Am I really supposed to believe that, because the writers wasted time on this over the past two seasons, that the characters MUST be locked into this for the rest of the show's run?
Well, if their relationship doesn't go through, TPTB must spend some time letting the viewers know why it didn't work out. The feeling I get from a lot of people in here is that they hope this season won't be about Danny and Lindsay. I don't say they must stay together always (although at this moment, I like that idea), but it seems good to me they will be during this season. Besides, it makes a lot more time to let us see other things than D/L.
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