MOONLIGHT was about time we saw a new ep. Sad thing is next weeks it's final ep according to the TV Guide. Was surprised they killed Jonathan(?) off. Bad with names. Wonder how this is gonna effect Beths feelings for Mick? My opinion she was so upset cause she felt guilty. She wasn't having much to do with him anyway. Always running off with Mick. Then blaming him cause he wouldn't turn him. I mean get real here. Grrrrr the writers strike gets on my nerves. Love to see how all this pans out.
I thought last night's ep was awesome- I loves me some angst! :D

I am totally bummed there's only one more new episode left though... things are just getting good! And as I said before, I hope the writer's strike doesn't sound the death toll for this show, since it's still a fledgling series. Sometimes these things become "out of sight, out of mind" and they can't recover when they come back on the air. Here's hoping the strike ends soon, and that this show comes back and sticks around. :)
I was so sad that they killed off Josh. I thought Mick was going to save him for sure — maybe even turn him, which would have made him the eternal competition for Beth's love.
So, next week Mick may or may not be human again.
Well now that Josh is dead, what's next for Mick and Beth?
Are they going to get together? And is Mick going to become human? He did have Josh's blood mixed with Coralines from the vial.

And what happened to Josef? I hope he comes back. *Darn this writers strike*
I think I missed an episode... why would Coraline's blood mixed with Josh's blood make Mick human?

And I'm pretty sure he won't be becoming human- I'm hoping they planned more than one season of the show! Heh heh. :)
I did miss the first few minutes of Friday's episode, but didn't Mick and Beth discover (at the lab) that Coraline's blood was from a child and they concluded, that is what made her human? And that the blood type was very rare and that Beth has that rare blood type?

My theory is that he wants to be human, espcially now, but doesn't become human for some reason.

I actually do like the angst between Beth and Mick.
Well, they didn't actually find out what exactly made Coraline human.

All the lab was able to tell them was that the blood belonged to a very rare blood type which was the same as Beth's, and that the blood was very pure, almost like it came from a young child, whose blood hadn't yet begun to accumulate toxins and whatnot.

Mick never wanted to become a vampire, so finding the cure means a lot to him. I can't wait to see what happens in this week's episode. Apparently there's a link between vampirism and the French Revolution. Hmmm. But if Mick becomes human, there is no show! :lol: So I think he'll remain a vampire by the end of the episode.

Anyway, last Friday's episode was really good. I actually cried during the scene where Josh was shot and Mick was trying to save him. :( I feel kinda bad for poor Josh, and his death only adds to the Mick/Beth angst. Which in some way is good for the drama that comes with it. :p

I hope the show comes back after the strike is over. It was just getting better, and this had to happen. *sigh*
Okay well I normally don't like this show but I found these two things and since they are spoilers they will be in code. But According to the "Futon Critic" the show only made 12 eps and this means that this next one is the last due to the strike.
Mick's dream of becoming human again is within reach when he uncovers Coraline's secret, but the answers come with a steep price. Meanwhile, still angry with Mick, Beth must deal with some heartbreaking news alone.
Question: Moonlight What is the scoop on Friday's "finale"? - Ausiello: It's possible that Mick will get his first real "taste" of humanity in over 60 years. Also… Beth learns a deathbed secret Josh had been keeping from her — and, how shall I put this, it's a doozy!
Thanks Destiny

That's some interesting stuff

I know the show is only supposed to be a 12 episode gig but wow, wow wow!!!
Based on the spoilers that I've read, I think Ausiello's on the money this time. :)

I hope we get to see Josef in this week's episode, he is seriously under-used.

Hey, hhunter, we share the same birthdate! Happy Birthday to you! :D Hope you had a great one.
^^ Happy Birthday to you to Lessien Tinuviel :D

onto Moonlight,
Iwonder what secret Josh had for Beth and how Mick will like being human. I wonder if he will ever reveal his feelings for Beth?
Best part I liked about the finale was the ending & here's to hoping CBS doesn't get stupid & cancel the show. lol
The producers and creators were trying to sell it to another network, like the CW.

They should try Sci-Fi too, or USA. I hope they find another network, because I really loved this show. I love all vampire movies and shows.

Lets hope the show returns.