where to start.. Grissom, and the MCSK, walking down the hallway..great camera angle!! gawd you've been missed, thank's for being back.. so good to see you again.. (but dye your beard and hair just a bit darker) and the whole team, my people, back together working the crime scene. YIPEE, WITHOUT outside interference, Nick and Warrick, interviewing the cat lady, Warrick's expressions and Nick's as well, together again!! Sara looked stunning, she's so beautiful. The dead girl and kitty.. I love kitty-cats sad

Brass and Sofia back on track Brass "4 bodies, I call that anti-social"

and Hodges with Grissom saying 'Stop hovering, Hodges, your in or your out" he's so obnoxious always kissing butt!! and Grissom wincing, can barely stand to be around him, and he still doesn't get it!!

Greg and Sara always so cute when chatting. and Cath and Gris. the friendship that endures..Sofia bonding with Gris, sad over the fake crime victim. and Ernie's gross son.. EWWWW,

he had a lovely childhood, all messed up. and the last scene, with Gris and Sara always so comfortable, and close when talking.. so, who's doing this? CM, said in the TV Guide, that "clues, if you watch closley, they'd be dropping & it would point out who the killer was" what clues, I haven't got a clue

any ideas fans? GOOD EPISODE A+

I love this kind of CSI
** footnote, the Vegas streets made me smile, I drive some of these!! very accurate