Since this thread is already here, I thought I'd use this one instead of using a new one.
As I'm sure you've noticed by now, we've had some moderator changes in this forum.
cinegirl, my first ever co-mod, has been called away by that pesky little thing known as Real Life.
Vera, thanks for being so awesome! I fully expect to see you pop in for some challenges now and then
Taking her place is CSI_Kat, who is not a new moderator, and certainly isn't new to fan art. I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job in here, so please join me in welcoming her
Vera I can't believe you're leaving! What will Fan Art be without you? It's so weird seeing you in blue again :lol:
Congrats Kat, I'm sure you'll do a great job here!
Vera, I'm going to miss you as a mod at Talk, you were absolutely fantastic. *snuggles* Good luck with RL! Hope to see you around here every now and then.
Kat! You're an excellent fit for Fan Art. Have much fun in your new home!
OK, honestly? Right now I have some tears in my eyes, yes *sobs*
It's really harder than I thought, and I wanna thank you all(!) for a wonderful time in here, it was a huge fun moderating in this beloved little forum. And I'll try to come in here as often as possible and of course I will still be available via pm Kat, as I already said, you'll be a fantastic addition to the Art Forum *huggles*, have fun in here! Meg, it was me a pleasure to "work" with you *squishes*
Thanks again, everyone! *group hug*
bye Vera i can only echo what everyone one already said, but i'll miss seeing you as a mod here(you were really amazing) and i definitely hope you'll keep coming back when you can!
congrats and good luck, even though you don't need it to you Kat! your going to be excellent!