Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Since this thread is already here, I thought I'd use this one instead of using a new one.

As I'm sure you've noticed by now, we've had some moderator changes in this forum.

cinegirl, my first ever co-mod, has been called away by that pesky little thing known as Real Life.

Vera, thanks for being so awesome! I fully expect to see you pop in for some challenges now and then :D

Taking her place is CSI_Kat, who is not a new moderator, and certainly isn't new to fan art. I'm sure she'll do a wonderful job in here, so please join me in welcoming her :)
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Vera, thanks for everything, you will definatly be missed :)

Kat I know you will definatly do well but good luck anyway :D
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Aww, Vera. :( I'll miss you terribly. You were an awesome moderator and a great friend. I'll still see you around of course, so all is not lost. :)

Congratulations and welcome, Kat. You too are awesome in every way. All the best to you in your new role.
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Thanks everyone!

Vera you will be missed! *hugs*
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Vera I can't believe you're leaving! :eek: What will Fan Art be without you? It's so weird seeing you in blue again :lol:
Congrats Kat, I'm sure you'll do a great job here!
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Vera, I'm going to miss you as a mod at Talk, you were absolutely fantastic. :) *snuggles* Good luck with RL! Hope to see you around here every now and then.

Kat! You're an excellent fit for Fan Art. :D Have much fun in your new home!
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

OK, honestly? Right now I have some tears in my eyes, yes *sobs*
It's really harder than I thought, and I wanna thank you all(!) for a wonderful time in here, it was a huge fun moderating in this beloved little forum. And I'll try to come in here as often as possible and of course I will still be available via pm:)
Kat, as I already said, you'll be a fantastic addition to the Art Forum *huggles*, have fun in here!
Meg, it was me a pleasure to "work" with you *squishes*
Thanks again, everyone! *group hug*
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

:( bye Vera i can only echo what everyone one already said, but i'll miss seeing you as a mod here(you were really amazing) and i definitely hope you'll keep coming back when you can!
congrats and good luck, even though you don't need it ;) to you Kat! your going to be excellent!
Re: Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

Good luck, Vera! Thanks for everything! *hugs*

Well Kat, can I say that I knew this would come some day? :lol: Congrats!