Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor / Caine Clans

Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

oooh this should be interesting lol. Another grandchild
Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

Ok just had time to get updated and in short....

> I loved Desti and the food :D
> I'm glad Calleigh's ok!
> They are eventually growing up and being allowd to ;)
Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

When they returned from the Pharmacy, Desti did the test. " out negative". Looking over the test, Cher noticed it also. "Hmmm...funny, let's give it a few days, and try the second test, if nothing shows by then, it might be a good idea to see your doctor". "Thanks for everything Auntie". "Anytime Desti, I'll see you later".

After Cher left, Desti hid the test, where Arthur wouldn't find it, for she didn't want him to know until she found out for sure. Picking up the phone, she called her mom. "Hey mom, how are you"? "Desti...hi sweetheart, how are you doing"? "Good mom, miss you, but doing great".

Calleigh knew something was up. "Desti what is it love, I know something is bothering you". With a huge sigh, Desti said...."I've been sick the past couple mornings, so Auntie Cher and I did a pregnancy test, but it back negative, so we are going to try again in a couple days".

", I had no idea you two were trying". "We aren't mom, it's just my breasts have been sore, and I've had alot of morning sickness, but we've been very careful". "Hmmm.. maybe I should book you an appointment with Dr.Leis, just to find out for sure, and also to make sure everything is okay".

"Sure mom, will you take me"? "Of course I will, I wouldn't have it any other way". "Good, now how are you and dad"? "Well...we are moving". "Moving...where"? "Just across the beach, it's a smaller place, three bedroom, it's very lovely". "Oh wow, what are we going to do for christmas this year, ow will we hold everyone"? "I'll tell you what, how about we don't worry about christmas for now".

"Sure mom, I understand". Calleigh could hear the disappointment in Desti's voice, but she also knew, her daughter would adjust. "I'll tell you what, let me call the doctor now, and than Stephan and I will come pick you up for lunch". "Really mom, I'd like that, I'll get ready". "Okay, I'll see you soon, love you Desti". "Love you too mom".

Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

They are so sweet :D I can't wait to see if she actually is pregnant!
Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

When HJr arrived home, he found his son, and wife, eating the ice cream. "Oh...and where is daddy's"? "I's have it daddy, its in the feezer, I's get it". getting up, H3 tried to reach the ice cream bowl. "Here son, daddy help you". "Tank you daddy". "You are welcome son".

Sitting down to ice cream, he asked...."how are you feeling Claire, any cramping or pain"? "Nope..I feel wonderful, and I think we can relax now, as I'm begining my second trimester". "That's wonderful love, just wonderful". Laughing H3 said...."daddy you ound like papa". "I do, naaaaah...not me".

"Es you do daddy, you's says eveyting tice, like papa". Shaking her head yes, Claire had to agree. "Just what are you shaking your head about"? "Come on Horatio, you know you always say things twice, you just don't notice it". "Hmmm....gonna have to watch what I say around your too".

After dessert, Horatio3 asked...."we watch "Robin Ood daddy"? "We can son, we can". Not realizing he did it again, they bothed laughed. "Now what's so funny"? "You did it again, you said "we can" twice". Sighing deep, Horatio Jr was having a very hard timme believing.

"I'll tell you what HJr, I'll pull out the tape recorder, and we will tape you through out the day, than when you listen back on it, you'll see you do". "Fine...but if I'm right, you owe me a night of alone time". "Oh...and what do I get if I win"? "You get your choice of anything you want". "Anything"? "Yes love, anything, now let's go watch that movie".

Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

As the days progressed, it turned out that Destinee was indeed pregnant, with twins, giving birth to healthy boy's named "Arthur Steven Taylor, and Justin Bradly Taylor. Actually on their wedding day, leaving them to a ceremony in the hospital.

Meanwhile Claire, and Horatio Jr, gave birht to a healthy baby girl, named Sarah Jessica Caine. With the Taylor/Caine clans going strong, they all forever knew, the name Taylor, and Caine would never die out.

The End.
Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

aww I'm sad these are ending but I know all good things must. I hope you write new stories though.
Re: Miami/NY;Crossover continue's....The Taylor Caine Clans

I'm glad that you decided to start new things Linda but i'll miss this one- it was my fav :)