Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
So if she doesn't wear black and chooses a bright color, do you think that would be OOC for her?
After all, she's more than just a Dominatrix, right? Problem is, people don't look outside the box, all they see is the Dom.
I agree with you ! :) I'am always disappointed when people only consider her activity and despise her because they feel unconfortable with it. It's sad because this is disregarding the great job of TPTB who build up a complex and fascinating character.

She is so unconventional, she combines strength, intelligence, and smoothness (with Grissom in LHB ;)). She is incredibly subtle and full of contradictions. She lives in another world, just like Grissom. TPTB have been really creative. By the way, do you know who created her ?
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

She looks damn good at that Fox party, def. looking forward to her return in 29 days (Yes I am counting down)
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

alienor said:
She is so unconventional, she combines strength, intelligence, and smoothness (with Grissom in LHB ;)). She is incredibly subtle and full of contradictions. She lives in another world, just like Grissom. TPTB have been really creative. By the way, do you know who created her ?

I have no clue who created her character. A huge "Thank You" to the person who did. :D
Of course, she may be a fictional character, but, her profession is real.
Sure the world she works in is indeed very unusual. Not everyone understands or likes her world. I'm just happy Grissom finds it soooo fascinating. :p

mrb105 said:
She looks damn good at that Fox party, def. looking forward to her return in 29 days (Yes I am counting down)

Yep, she always looks damn good!
Knowing that she's coming back is exciting BUT too much info was given away that I'm not too happy at the moment. :(
We just have to wait and see, won't we? :D

Long Live Lady Heather!!!

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

I'am always disappointed when people only consider her activity and despise her because they feel unconfortable with it. It's sad because this is disregarding the great job of TPTB who build up a complex and fascinating character.
I know! I'm always a little miffed when people say that they hate her character because I always get the impression that their views are strictly based on the whole BDSM part. And that's a real shame because Melinda Clarke is a fantastic actress who easily does justice to the amazingly complex character the writers have created.

I'll be honest - I'm not the biggest CSI fan, and usually whenever an episode looks really intriguing, I'm let down. But I love all the eps with Lady Heather. I think because of her "unusual lifestyle," the writers are able to take more risks and such than perhaps they normally would.
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

very good point lieueitak

she does have other facets to her than just the Dominatrix. That part of her is what we first saw in Slaves and also in Lady Heather's Box.

But.. in Pirates she was a woman and a grieveing mother so we saw different sides of her.

I think Melinda Clarke does a fantastic job portraying Lady Heather in all those capasities.
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

lieueitak said:

I'll be honest - I'm not the biggest CSI fan, and usually whenever an episode looks really intriguing, I'm let down. But I love all the eps with Lady Heather. I think because of her "unusual lifestyle," the writers are able to take more risks and such than perhaps they normally would.

Hello LH Fans!

I'm not the biggest CSI fan either.
I only like about 1/2 of all the eps. :eek: Especially the bearded Grissom eps. I just do. :D

Don't forget this Sunday Lady Heather's Box is on again.
On the 11th of May(Friday) will be POTTR so mark your calendar. :D

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix


I found this one of Melinda. It's a cast photo from The O.C.

she does look a lot different from Lady Heather
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

God, I just frickin' miss the OC and Julie Cooper.
That was so wrong of FOX to cancel the show. :mad:

BTW, are there any pics yet of the Lady?
Forget the storyline, I just want to know what she's wearing. :lol:

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

In 3 weeks she comes back and there's no pics yet? :(

I'm patiently waiting for pics. Not so much the storyline. :lol:
Don't forget LHB on Spike this Sunday. :D


One of my favorite quotes from Melinda:

While Clarke insists that Julie looks and acts far more like a grown-up than she herself does in her off-camera life, the actress does seem to have a far clearer perspective on what motherhood means to her.

"Having a child actually has changed my life tremendously because, obviously, you have this other life that you're suddenly responsible for, 24/7," she says. "It's one of the most difficult jobs in the world, but also the most rewarding.What I do for a living is fun, whereas motherhood has given me a connection with my daughter that is deeper than I have ever experienced with any other human being. It's always growing and mind-blowing."

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Hey guys! :D

I was way too busy watching Planet Earth, didn't catch LHB.
Thank goodness for DVDs, right?

And screencaps. :p

Sheesh, I would think there would be pics out by now of TGTBTD. Oh well. I'll patiently wait. :D

Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

NO PICS YET! We should protest. But I bet she is wearing something black. :eek: because that is what people associate her with, being the dominatrix.

We'll see
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Forgive me Destiny and TallyHo I know there's a birthday thread.... :rolleyes:

Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday To You

Happy Birthday dear Melinda

Happy Birthday To You!!!

April 24
Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

Yesterday I actually baked a chocolate cake and it was delicious too! Of course it was in honor of MC. :D

When it snows outside, it makes baking fun. :lol:
