Megan Donner Appreciation Forum(Bring her back!!!)

I should mention, as Lucy said above, that I was just relaying a news item from TV Guide. I am a big fan of Ms Delaney from her work in CSI:M, NYPD Blue, and her brief series, "Philly." I do not know anything about her personal life and am not judging her. I just thought her fans might like to know what she is currently doing. And if she checked in voluntarily, that might mean she is trying to stay well. I wish all news could be good news, and I wish the best for her.
Really thanks for your kindness of sharing info about her new play, Dyna... :)

Got caps from here ealier plays...(wow~~ hope I could get them all) :D from

One day certain disciple asked The God: Father, please gift me wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong.
The God answered: My son, wisdom is just ambiguous words; I gift you a bleeding heart, and you could ask it before making your decision.

and then I saw her...:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
...what's lost has a way of staying lost(Stephen King)... .
..does what's missing have a way of staying missing...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
lantiscod said:
Of Course I will! I must have one for my own! :D :lol: :lol:

:( When checking reviews about Apocalypse...I got this: :(
Why CSI:MAIMI Jumped Kim Delaney?

You betcha. On the set, a production snitch adds, it's well-known that Caruso,
46, can get any actor's lines cut or changed.

"He tells everyone that (CBS President) Les Moonves loves him," the L.A. set
snitch says. "That gets your attention."

Shamed! ... Guys you know those voices shouted the word "hypocrite" in my brain...especially when I love Kim/Megan and the role of Horatio Cain (but not the actor DC)...

AHA~~ Guess I figured who the guy on the right is: Les Moonves...
CSIMorgan said:
No worries.
They never quite gave her enough time to develop her character, they concentrated on Horatio a lot more, which of corse they need to aswell as the first season is vital to develop all the characters, but I remember one episode she was having a hard time with one of the cases because someone lost their husband, but instead of showing her turmoil and maybe using it to have some chemistry with Horatio, they just gave it a back seat and let it become Horatio's episode. It was the one about the bomb squad and one of H's friends dies. It was sad for him aswell, but they could have maybe used it to gain some true chemistry with the 'then' main leads of the show. It you understand I tend to babble..

I agree.. I think a lot of people would have noticed her when she had a little more story line. I actually still think she was a great character. But maybe nowadays she wouldn't fit in anymore.. especially since I thought she had a lot of chemistry with speed.
You thought...??? :lol: :lol: :lol: It's amazing! I just got an idea about a new fic yesterday, talking about something about Speed, after his death, telling from Megan...It means Megan is back...*Tee-Hee* back for something happened after her leave...of course this thing has a Speed story... :lol: Jesus! I don't know what I am talking about! :lol: But it is now you remind me of my idea! :lol: I don't know whether I would make the word "chemistry". :lol: :D :lol:
hey guys i just got csi miami season one ... i didn't know megan before but i really love her !!!!

has anyone got links for megan donner fanfiction ??? i can't find it !!
Thankgodness that hiccup doesn't favor I am still staying here with my id... :lol:

sienna~ :)

First, THERE ARE fictions about Megan in FanFiction Forum; and you COULD get them by searching her name...

Second, is another website I prefer haunting around:

*Good Luck* :lol: :D