
I tell you the one big thing I love about this show is Allison and Joe and their relationship. They get mad but seem to work it out in a way that isn't too cheesy. If more married couples would take a cue to try to work it out other than running the divorce rate wouldnt be that high.
Allison dreams of a woman trapped in a fire and the visions could help crack a red-hot case involving blaze-related deaths

TV Guide Issue Nov. 8-14~
Damn I recorded the wrong episode. I taped "Super Nanny", so if anyone watched this please divulge the content.. thank's:thumbsup:


A sex offender moves into the neighborhood.. his parole officer is making him staple flyers with his pic. on all the trees in the area. He sees Bridgette and waves, Alisson wakes up! she askes Bridgette at the breakfast table reading the paper, if she saw a man wave at her, she goes "Yes". Allison goes out sde sees what she dreamed and goes "Good Morning" and the spooky music begins.

She tells Joe and they look him up on the PC, supposdley raped a teen and they're appalled. A neighbor knocks on the door and is having a meeting to discuss this guy living in their community~Allison goes to work talks to his probation officer and he says "I wished I could say he was a changed man...but... then he gets a rock thrown through his window.

Meanwhile Joe is giving a presentation at work about Bio-disel fule , he does great the boss is impressed and aks him in his office to join him for a drink, he says he has to go to a meeting but the boss offers him a sweet deal. That if he goes back to school he could become a high ranking official in the company. He misses the meeting but Allison is cool. [they need more $$ for Ariel's tutution] Joe goes on the school deal "It seems all the cool kids do this" Allsion: "We'll figure it out". She feel compassion for the guy then dreams about Mr. Curtis [Chuck] and the gal who accused him of the rape. She threatned him, that unless he gave her a A on her paper she'd blow the whistle and claim rape, which she did. [he got 10 years].

The neighbor who had the meeting calls to say that her 16-yr. old daughter is missing, and of course they all think it's this guy. They pick him up and once again he's perplexed and goes "What" I don't even know who that is"`

Allison dreams about the missing girl [Hayden] who they find buried in a sand box at at park, 16 stab wounds. Get this, with his fingerprints on the knife that was buried with her:confused: Allsion asks Davolos for a raise he goes "not in the budget" If she went back to school, she could apply for the DA's position. Joe goes to a bar to celebrate his up coming promotion and has one to many, and calls Allison, who picks him up and is miffed off.. Then ,get this Hayden was Suzanna's stepdaughter [her dad died a few months prior], all the his estate and $$$ would automatically go to Suzanna. So it goes back a few weeks and you seen her bringing this "sex offender" and cake including the knife they found in the shallow grave. she'd been setting him up so she's get the money:wtf:

Shocker:eek: poor Mr.Curtis hung himself in his jail cell. He never commited anything crime against anyone. The to show Joe she can also go back to school she submits her app. to Law School.. So another ex jail bird moves in the same house and is a "stalker" who guess who he's stalking "Suzanna" '[what goes around come around] Mr. Curtis appears to Allison and says, that this guy has vidoe tapes of Suzanna killing Hayden and burying her the sand box. So that's how it ended`
In the last episode, Allison begins a new career as a lawyer, and Joe lands a new job

TV Guide, issue Jan. 17-23~
The series finale was sad.... But i loved how the series finale end and how we got to see the cast.....But it still was sad :(
Yeah. I really liked the finale, but it was a mixed bag of emotions. I admit to shedding a tear, or two. I both loved and hated it. But, I did love the final send-off of the characters and the actors.
I will miss Medium. It was one of the more creative crime shows on TV. I wish the best of luck to the cast and crew!
OMG, I was sobbing it was overwhelming and so powerful. Allison 7 years later Joe died in a plane crash but she had everyone was convinced except Davalos that he was alive and living in Mexico, Enrique Marciano was the Mexican ganster, and he was also good. She even went down there. Ariel is married and pregnant, Bridgett another actress and it didn't show Marie. So finally Joe comes to her and tells her to move on, that he is dead. The whole episode was a huge DREAM. She was crying as so was I, then it showed the whole cast waving goodbye, heart wrenching.:( Such a good series, I'm so sad it's over:(
Going to miss Medium. Was such a good show. Such a sad episode but good to know that they will be together forever in the afterlife. The kids and Alison all made their lives fullfilling so life is what you make it to be so make it a good one.

Did anyone else think that since the show was ending that they killed Joe to show that the show was not just about Allison but the two of them and family dynamic (which is the quality I loved about this show).
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^ yeah i thought that too, i liked that all the kids got a bit of time in it too (except bridget, who is so the cutest kid on tv).

i thought it was a little weird but i don't see how else they could've ended it apart from maybe killing all of them.

i didn't mind it but dear god the end 5 minutes were the cheesiest thing i've ever seen. and i've seen fallen angel :lol: :lol:
Aw, they gave Medium a "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" ending. And I always cried at the end of that movie. So my eyes were filling with tears at the end of the finale, too.

I will really miss this show and its characters. It had some great episodes.