May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

yeah, I think it was Blink, she was so cute in that one. At first she was all, eh I hate rats, and then she was like aww poor little guy.
I believe it was only Mac, because Aiden was watching him. Cause she said couldn't Hawkes do it.

hehe. I ship both Tate and Kibbs :D
LOL. That would've been funny.. Yeah, she says can Hawkes do it, and Mac says Hawkes draws a line at rodients.

You ship Kibbs?

Thanks feenx

Didn't he say in an episode once that he has to know a little of everything - I guess rodents would fall into that category!

Indeed. Maaaaaaan! :eek: That was in "Grand Master". He was talking to Hawkes about Aiden. Something like:

Mac: Gotta see Aiden, when she talks about this turntable-stuff. She always looks like Queen Latifah then.
Hawkes: What do you know about Queen Latifah?
Mac: Just trying to know a little of everything.

:D That´s crazy. This is one of my favie-scenes. :eek: :cool: