Hi! Normally I'm a lurker but I just had to come on here to share my feelings on this 'CSI' episode 200.
WHY did Ray's student do what she did at the beginning?
The writers seem to keep forgetting CSI watchers ARE intelligent - so why ruin the episode before the opening credits? Especially considering the student's education - you'd think she'd know what not to do in a case like that.
*I hope this isn't considered a spoiler - sorry if it is*
But my biggest, biggest, gigantic beef I have with this 200th episode is that it was RAY RAY RAY. WTH?!? What is up with that? Really, come on now, why could we not get a silly, upbeat, Greg centered or Archie centered episode? I don't understand how a level ONE CSI could get so much action so soon. It doesn't feel right, you know? I was looking forward to watching the team teach Ray like they did when Greg became CSI. How believable is this episode?
I was shaking my head throughout this entire show - I have never been so TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED in a tv episode. lol
Shame on the writers - it was a great story but this was unfair to the fans.
If the show continues (anyone know?) to be Ray Ray Ray I'll be flipping the channel 'cause it just doesn't make any sense.
Insulted and peeved off,
p.s. I honestly do not mean anything mean by this. Don't take me too seriously, ok?