It was Ray based because he knew this girl, it would have been a bit off the wall, say if another CSI took the case.. and wouldn't have made sense,
I'm not questioning why it was Ray based. I'm questioning why they felt the 200th episode shouldn't feature more of the people that helped it get there. Ray wasn't in the first 100 episodes, so I just don't see how it's fair that the others got shoved aside in this milestone episode.
By the way, it made no logical sense that Ray took the case. It was a conflict of interest for him given that he was so close to this student... it was very clear that he thought of her as a daughter or at the very least a niece. The flashbacks were evident of that and I actually kind of liked the flashbacks. But, the episode just shouldn't have been the 200th. It should have just been a regular episode. How is it fair that Ray was allowed to work a scene where the vic was someone he was so close to when Cath couldn't work cases where her estranged father was involved? Sounds like a double standard to me.
And Laurence Fishburne is the new star of CSI, they didn't hire him to be shoved into the background
I'm not asking that he be shoved into the background. I'm only asking that the original stars aren't shoved in the background because they weren't hired to be shoved in the background either, especially Marg.
All the CSI stars have had there day of glory:thumbsup:
That's not the opposition here. The opposition is that it wasn't right for the 200th episode to be solely based on ANY one character. I'd feel the same way if the 200th episode had been solely based on Catherine if it meant that the rest of the characters were shoved in the background.
This was the 200th episode and Marg, George, Paul & Greg are what got them to the 200th episode (Yes, Billy, Gary & Jorja did too), the show should have been a team episode and focused more on them.
100% agree with this.
Yes, we all want to see our favorite character(s) in the forefront, but this isn't about that, it's about doing what is right and remembering who's been there since the beginning and the fans who've been there since the beginning. Langston is too new of a character for the 200th episode to center on. Male lead or not!
Couldn't have said it better myself!
And on Grissom well, that's a whole different story.
It would be wrong if Grissom was shoved aside in a milestone episode just like it's wrong that Nick, Greg and Cath were shoved aside in this milestone episode. Insert Grissom and Sara in their places. How would you feel if it happened to them? How would you feel if Sara was still on the show and her only scene was reduced doing Archie's job and being told what to do by a character who was "lower on the totem pole" than she was? Or if Grissom only had three scenes and if in one of those scenes he was with Ray and Brass only to disappear and not be seen again in the episode? Wouldn't that upset you? Or if Grissom who was still supervisor got the piddly little scenes that Cath got in this milestone episode while the majority of the episode was focused almost solely on the newest member of the team. And I'm not saying in terms of if this was a regular non-milestone episode. I'm not meaning episodes in general. I just mean a big, milestone episodes.
I'm sorry, but none of this is okay. Fans shouldn't just be like "whatever" if a milestone episode shoves aside the original members of the team who have been there since the very first episode of the show. Again, I wouldn't have minded it being Ray-centered as much if they'd just written the other characters (the original characters) more scenes too rather than having Ray on his own in almost every scene.
In Nick's episode (Turn, Turn, Turn) at least he was with various characters for the majority of the episode. He had very few scenes alone and when he did, it was only for seconds at a time. First scene with Brass, Ray and Superdave. Later with Cath, later with Greg, I think Riley was in there some too and Doc Robbins. And in the final scene it was him with Ray. It wasn't him alone. Well, it was for the last few seconds of the show. But, at least Ray had been in the last scene. It was more balanced between the characters in terms of screen time even if it was a Nick-based episode. Why couldn't they have done the same kind of thing with this week's episode? I don't think that's too much to ask especially given the fact that it was a milestone episode.
Yes, as a stand alone episode "Mascara" might have been okay (no one is arguing with that), but it just wasn't the right choice for the 200th. I'm not opposed to a Ray-centered episode, I am only opposed to the milestone episode being Ray-centered while the original members of the team who've been there since the beginning of the show's run are shoved to the side with tiny little scenes. This is an ENSEMBLE show and EVERY milestone episode should feature the whole cast more evenly rather than only seeing the others sporadically.
As disappointing as the episode was, at least it gives us something to talk about and debate. :lol:
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