Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

She's got a pool table? I'd sure like to play a few rounds with her! Her home looks really nice, I like the color in the background.
LOL I guess she does. And I love that she had at least one room painted in green because you know..."green (and lavender) look good on redheads" :D

Besides, green is also my favorite color haha.
I don't think this has been posted but- Here is a nice candid photo taken by paparazzi when Marg Helgenberger was out doing what many of us do every day, walking her dog.

Wojo: I LOVE that picture (I've seen it, and actually have it ;p) :) Thanks for sharing...Do we know the doggie's name, or am I ignorant and I'm the only one who doesn't know?
No worries lol. I don't think any of us know the name of the dark brown dog she had for a while in between Momo and Henry. I think she might have either been looking after someone else's dog or she might have fostered one until she found Henry.
She got Henry during the writers' strike late 2007. He was just a puppy back then. :)

LOL the mysterious brown dog. We'll probably never know what its name was. :lol:

Speaking of Momo. I kind of miss him. He was with them for so many years, and he appeared in a lot of their photos. I wonder if we'll get to see Marg and Henry in a photoshoot together?
I saw a few spoiler pics from 9x22 The Gone Dead Train and I'll admit that I'm excited about the episode. Catherine looks awesome. :)
She does look awesome!

I miss Momo too. He had some of the most awesome expressions. There's a shot of Marg and Alan sitting outside and Momo is all sitting up with the funniest expression.

Perhaps the dark brown dog was a friend's and Marg was just taking him for a walk or dogsitting?
This is Catherine being her hot self in those glasses.

And all know what I'm trying to show you with this. :D

So much hotness in one post. I love the beaming shot of her. There were a couple of times in the episode that she really beamed. It was stunning :D