Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

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About Marg's t-shirt in that episode! :D

We came across Sara in a certain t-shirt and I was like: "wait! Cath had that same shirt on in another episode.." But I couldn't find the episode but I had the screencap to help me find it.

So I compared it to Sara's t-shirt from season 3 episode "Lady Heather's Box" and my friend had to admit they were very much alike (though we were still going on about the slight differences in color..)

see for yourself? Click here

The bet wasn't anything serious though.. :cool:
Here's another version of the In Step With article.
I just hate it when they make the page larger than a normal size scanner. It frustrates me to cut & paste them together. I didn't realize her arm wasn't "lined up" correctly after the cut & paste. *grrrrrr*
Hottie_Cath, I just gotta say that I love your icon. It's great (and that's why PJ is so great, but anyway...)!

Thanks for the scan, Kaylyne.

And dang, nice eye, SaraSidle_Girl. Totally wouldn't have noticed that. Wow, they pretty much ARE the same shirt. Wow.
Wow, these must be recent. Haven't seen them before. Thanks!

I love what Marg's wearing. The shirt. The blouse. It's all hot. But I mean, she could wear like, the ugliest thing ever and still look fantastic. It is Marg, after all. :D
Oh boy. Marg. *thud*

Ms. Helgenberger, there should be laws about looking that hot.

And I think you violated every single one of them :D
Ok guys, will you please calm down? PLEASE, if you don't stup it with those pics, I'm gonna risk a heartattack, and you don't want me on your conscience, do you?

OH MY GOD! That Parade photoshoot was incredible. I mean, I hadn't commented on it yet because I was too busy making icons and drooling. :lol:
But HEY girl, you ARE definitely the hottets around.
I also love those with Kathryn Morris: with all the due respect to this girl, Marg is just...MORE.
Ok, so I don't need to post the Parade Magazine article about HOT HOT Marg! Somehow I knew you gals would find it.

I saw it yesterday and went...IT'S MARG! I have to say I love the turquoise tank top! :D
Yeah, you're my soulmate, remember? :D
Hey, if you look at those pics, you can't type anything but long long lines with no point!

vmhgmwéomhlfínmldmnltíje *shuts up* Maaaaaaaarg! ^^
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