Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

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I had to laugh when I heard Marg say her hat was shabby. Because honestly, her hat may not look as fancy as others', but fancy doesn't always mean beautiful or classic, which Marg was. :)
Erica: Haha! I agree with you....I love that she's honest, but she's not all about being on top of fashion or at the cutting edge...she just looks good and it doesn't matter what she wears in order to achieve that. I LOVE LOVE that about her.

She looked better than anyone there, simply because she was honest....Her outfit and her KY Derby hat beats ANYONE'S, even those who paid thousands for a brand new one...Marg is the BEST.
One thing I really love about her is she has a really great sense of fashion. She doesn't follow it. She's one of those who lead it. You need a lot of self-esteem and confidence to be able to do that and obviously she knows herself really well. :)

I loved that last scene from Hog Heaven. It was a nice episode, and that last scene made it even better. Catherine was being so sweet and understanding to her old friend. I'm glad that they decided to show us a little of Catherine and Brass' friendship. :)
Agreed, Erica :) That's kinda the point I was getting at in my earlier post ;) She doesn't let ANYONE or ANYTHING dictate how she dresses or who she is. LOVE it.

Same here. I hope she had a great day. :) Amb you're so right. I love that about her, too. But then again, I just love everything about her. :lol:

I hope she's having a good time enjoying her break!
I wonder if she did something special for Mother's Day or if it was just a relaxing day. And I wonder what Hughie got her?
Whoever she was with, whatever she did, hope she had a lot of fun. :)

It's almost season finale! I really hope we'll get to see Marg and Gerald share scenes. I didn't really care for Blind Vengeance in general, but I definitely loved their interaction. Although I still think that "bed" scene was a bit awkward. :lol:
I loved Catherine in the season finale. She was beautiful as usual. She wore her glasses. She made an awesome supervisor. And she was the one reassuring Conrad when he was worried about the budget issue! :lol: I know Marg has had a hard time in real life during the season and therefore we didn't get to see her a lot on the show, but when she did show up, it was awesome. Compared with season 5, she's definitely a much better supervisor now. She's learned her lesson from her past experience and she's more confident now and doesn't feel the need to prove her capacity. I love it. I also love the warm vibes she's created in the lab. That sure is something I've never seen before.

I hope Marg is having a good time taking her break. Can't wait to see her back as Catherine in season 10. :)
Compared with season 5, she's definitely a much better supervisor now. She's learned her lesson from her past experience and she's more confident now and doesn't feel the need to prove her capacity. I love it. I also love the warm vibes she's created in the lab. That sure is something I've never seen before.
She definitely had something to prove during her first supervisory experience, not only to herself, but also to Grissom as well as Nick & Warrick.

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I think this time they're showing her differently because she actually has to 'supervise' the team. Back in season 5 with Nick & Warrick, they were already seasoned CSIs and knew the way things were (with the minor exception of Warrick getting a bit pissy!;)) Here, she has a couple of newbies to the team, a newly promoted CSI 3, and only one really established CSI. Not to forget Ecklie's promotion to UnderSheriff, which changes the dynamics even a bit more.

I love that the writers have given the lab a much softer feel to reflect the personality of its supervisor.
^ I agree, and I'm totally loving the team as it is now. I know a lot of people miss the old team, but to me, the current team, under Catherine's lead, feels much more like a family than the old one. Although it seems a little like a single-parent family :)lol:), I'm sure Catherine will only do better and better. :)
ITA with all of you. When she was on, she really brought the fiyah to the show. I really hope that she gets things settled over the break and comes back refreshed and there's a lot of good storylines for her.

Not to be a Debbie Downer here, but isn't her contract up in May 2010? Any idea if she's staying or going?
I think that will depend on what they do with Marg's character in Season 10. I know she had some storylines that she wanted for Catherine, which is why she signed on for two extra seasons, so I guess it depends on what Season 10 brings.

I'd like Marg to be around until the end of the show, but who knows?

I want Marg to do a comedy too. I think she'd be awesome in a comedy.
We really don't know whether she's staying after season 10 at this point. I suppose even Marg herself doesn't really know yet. lol. I'm probably in the minor here, but I kinda hope she'll leave when season 10 ends. Well, she hinted that she had considered leaving in some of her early-season-8 interviews, but later the storyline they had planned for her got dropped because of the strike, and then Billy, Gary and Jorja left the show. I think those were the main reasons she agreed to renew her contract for two more seasons. I think season 10 is likely Marg's last season (or so I hope, lol), and TPTB need to build up a nice exit for her. I don't want her on the show until the end because I think when an old show like CSI gets canceled, the sutuation must be pretty bad (just look at ER), and I don't want to see her in the show under such circumstance. I'd rather she leaves early and moves on to anything that makes her happy. A comedy would be nice. We know she wants to do that. :)

It's probably weird for a fan to talk about how she won't mind it when her favorite cast member leaves the show, but as long as she's happy, I'm fine. Her happiness is far more important than my desire to see her on the show. I know I'll miss Marg when she leaves, but that's where re-runs and DVDs come in handy. :D
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I'm in the minority with you honey. As much as I love the role of Catherine Willows, and I always will, I would love to see, as Marg moves on to another place in her life, that she moves on in her career too. All good things must come to an end.

And I would love for the real depth of her acting ability to be brought to light through a really challenging role in a movie or just something totally different from anything she's ever done, which she can't do with her csi schedule.
I'm with you two. I really love seeing Marg as Catherine and honestly, she's the only reason why I'm still watching the show, but if it is her wish to quit, then I wouldn't mind. If that's what makes her happy, then do it Marg! And as Erica said, she shouldn't stay until the end of CSI...the ratings may drop, the storylines may get boring (even more than they already are) and it just wouldn't be good for her. I stil have my CSI-Collection and can see her in my favorite episodes whenever I want to and that will have to do.

I'd also love to see her in a comedy, where she doesn't only make us laugh, but laughs a lot herself because Marg can be so funny and I just love to see (and hear) her laugh!!! :lol:
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